Depth of Perception


Papa Opeth
May 19, 2001
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Hi All,

The main thing I've noticed about people on this post is the depth of perception we have of the world around us. Opeth music is deep and sophisticated, as we all seem to be.

I have a question:
What weaknesses of perception do you notice about most people you come in contact with?

For me, I see most people having an inability to see through the "material" things in life. We have been programmed since birth to believe what we see (like the story-line in the movie "The Matrix"). Most peoples perception stops at what the eye sees, thus renedering them incapable of extracting what is really happening around us.
For instance, I believe man-kind is in process of creating thier ultimate conqueror - technology. We see technology as making us more efficient, more connected, etc. While all this is true on the surface, we are also creating a complacent society. As we become more efficient, connected, etc., there will be less of a need to get around. Once we have "settled in", I don't feel we'll be able to react fast enough to the technology we've created. I know we've seen this story-line in many movies, but if you look at the big picture - think back to 25 years ago, and compare to today : pretty scary exponential change. This process may take hundreds of years, but I truly believe technology is deeply more destructive than good.
The Matrix had one really interesting proposal...

All species reach an equilibrium with their surroundings, their numbers become dependent on food supply, and limited by available habitat. Only two organisms, one being humans, defy this simple construct of nature. The other is viruses. We apparently have the capacity to over-tax our own niche, to the point where our own extinction becomes immenent.
Hmm.. humans personify reality.

We don't see reality, we see a reflection of reality, and we are the mirror.

Our vision is incredible short-sighted. We don't understand many things yet and we may never will. As much as we know, there's millions of times more that we don't. We mustn't forget we are evolving hairless apes.

The problem with most people I think is that that don't see this. They go about mistaking their unique reflections of reality as reality itself when it is complete subjective bullshit. This whole religion/god thing is getting kinda old too, I mean come on people, this is 2001, isn't it time we just accepted the facts as they present themselves? Let's not delude ourselves any longer. Life is too short and there's too much unification to be done to let this religion crap make us fight like fucking idiots. It's a fucking political TOOL and nothing more and I wish more people would see that and wake up from their frightened zombie state. Life is here for the taking, don't waste it with your head in the clouds, live now while you can. Life is too short to fear death.

king of sacreliege and spiritual/existentialist ideals,

I agree with Satori.

As for my answer to the original question, what disgusts me and mystifies me the most about people is how everyone fits nicely into a little cliche. there are very few people that i couldn't tell you everything about after observing them for three minutes. even -- or i should say especially -- the people who claim to be "different" and "unique."
I agree with Satori also. To me, most religions (especially christianity) appear as cults. Sure, there are the more extreme cults that commit suicide etc etc. But when you think about it, the mainstream churches, IMO, brainwash their followers into blindly worshiping something based on very sketchy evidence. In other aspects of society, ppl are very sceptical of what they are told. But in religion, they have no problem believing that some guy preformed all these bullshit miracles and came to life again, they believe the first humans were made out of dirt. etc etc. I mean, come on.

Apologies if I've offended any christians in here, but I've been waiting to get that off my chest for ages.
Originally posted by Silhouette
But in religion, they have no problem believing that some guy preformed all these bullshit miracles and came to life again

Hahahha, that reminds me of that Brittish sitcom with the fat, round short guy and a taller, Hugh Grant look-a-like (no, obviously I can't remember the title). Anyways, there were about 20 guys sitting in a semi-circle in a desert, dressed up like people did 2000 years ago, and a long-haired guy performing miracles ("I will turn this water into wine..") and they were throwing comments like "I've seen this.. look at his hands.. did you see it!", "Oh, that was a good one.. haven't seen that one yet."

Haha, Brits' sense of humour rules. :)

Sorry for straying off the topic. :cry:
Originally posted by Satori

Our vision is incredible short-sighted. We don't understand many things yet and we may never will. As much as we know, there's millions of times more that we don't. We mustn't forget we are evolving hairless apes.

If you're admitting your own limited knowledge, how can you sound so sure that we're evolving apes?
Because of my vestigial tailbone? I don't know.

While I agree with Lina, in saying that you CAN read a person after observing them for a short time.. and this is what I do. I walk around and I watch. But for each person I see.. I know that they have a past, a family, friends, pain, a present, life, business, and a future, for an undetermined amount of time. What are the chances that you walked past someone who's died the next day? And never known it. Just think that EVERYONE has that chance..

So I tend to hold all life precious is my bizarre little way, knowing that every person has had a lifetime of experiences, and though they may seem mundane to US, and to others, that their experiences are making them who they are. If they're a deep person trapped in a commercial world, and if they've fallen victim, I don't want to be the one to dismiss them.. they can be "saved" so to speak.. And I suppose, just maybe, this is how someone out to convert a nonbeliever into a religion thinks. They have worth and a soul, you just have to find it. If you saw me (my picture is old) you'd probably dismiss me.. but the truth is, I havn't changed, though my appearance has. No more long hair, rarely all-black clothes..

I still think deep, though I seem incapable of belting out more than one coherent paragraph.. Well.. yeah, I'm done now..
Originally posted by Silhouette

But in religion, they have no problem believing that some guy preformed all these bullshit miracles and came to life again

Apologies if I've offended any christians in here, but I've been waiting to get that off my chest for ages. [/B]


suggested reading- "The Apostle in Triumph"

there is more to the story of Christ then you might be aware of due to your obvious revolt against the Christian establishment.

As a blackness consumed the lands, men with faith took a daring stance.
Originally posted by Candelabrum


suggested reading- "The Apostle in Triumph"

there is more to the story of Christ then you might be aware of due to your obvious revolt against the Christian establishment.

As a blackness consumed the lands, men with faith took a daring stance.

No, there isn't anymore. Nothing significant enough to change my thinking. Public school's in Australia teach christianity from a young age, I've heard it all basically.

And why do u suggest reading The Apostle In Triumph? I have many times. BTW, Opeth are far from christians.
Originally posted by metalmancpa
What weaknesses of perception do you notice about most people you come in contact with?

The same things that have already been pointed out; the superficiality. I take the subway every day to work and back, and usually spend my time observing my surroundings, the scenery, other people: the expressions on their faces, their composure. Eyes reveal quite a lot. The first feeling I get is MOSTLY dullness, boredom. People just stare slothfully into nothingness.

I haven't noticed many who would be observant or even have that certain twink of intelligence in their eyes (well, perhaps not intelligence but... open-mindness, interest).
Originally posted by Silhouette

And why do u suggest reading The Apostle In Triumph? I have many times. BTW, Opeth are far from christians.


Apostle - one who is sent on a mission, one of an authoritative New Testament group sent out to preach the gospel and made up esp. of Christ's 12 original disciples and Paul.

"the only way to follow
open your soul
redeem I am immortal" The Apostle in Triumph

take from it what you must.

btw, immortality of the soul is not offered through Satanism, nor any other form of black craft, perhaps immortality of the ego, in that a satanist, or sorcerer, could write a book that is revered long after the flesh has come to pass, but that is not guaranteed. Satanism works on the ascertainment of mortal pleasures. Immortality is of the soul, when the soul is in accordance with the right hand of truth: God. The basis for the original church was love and acceptance. And repentance.

In regards to Christ; Have you ever read of the four horsemen that are prophesized to descend?
Christ is amongst these riders. Riding astride him shall be Death, War, and Famine.

I have studied Anton LeVay's works, his books sit by my toilet, and a very effective for bowel movements. He was only interested in money, sex and ego. Also, the symbolism of satanism is only a parody of the Christian and Pagan symbols; i.e. the crucifix and the pentagram. Now, there are other forms of black craft besides Satanism, [Necromancy] that are valid forms of black craft, and offer insights to the soul.

In regards to Opeth and their personnel religious beliefs, I don't know, nor do I care. What I have extrapolated from their work is beauty. I have never read in their lyrics anything about black craft, but as I stated; take from it what you must.
Originally posted by spectr3
If you're admitting your own limited knowledge, how can you sound so sure that we're evolving apes?

Easy answer: I'm not sure. What I have is an opinion based on my own subjective interpretation of the evidence. We can NEVER be 100% sure of anything, but that doesn't stop us from forming beliefs. The trick is to not hold on to your beliefs so firmly that you will hold on to them for no good reason. We have to be flexible and understand that we don't know everything, but at the same time, we must understand that we know much much more than people did in the not so distant past. It wasn't long ago that a huge part of the world felt that communism was pretty cool, but it's different now. Religion will go the same route. As people evolve so do their customs and social ties and political mind-fuck tools.

I'll also say this, which is also just an intrepretation: The earth circles the sun. Or this: Fire can destroy trees. Do you question these statements as well?

If by saying this if you are questioning the idea that we are evolving apes, then that's fine, but to suggest it isn't "true" (what we *interpret* truth to be based on our collective agreement of it's definition) then that's just plain silly and not even a worthy topic of discussion.

If you are in fact pointing out the pardox that is reality, then I think that's quite cool.

cease the moment,

Originally posted by Silhouette
Apologies if I've offended any christians in here, but I've been waiting to get that off my chest for ages.

We should never have to apologize for speaking our minds. Words themselves aren't evil, it's the intent that is. Your intent was not ill.

People are so worried about offending each other that often they aren't themselves. We face this in reality everyday. I'd like to think that at least here we can be as honest and freaky as we want without fear of being shit on. Just a thought.


I'd say it's better to be careful than inconsiderate. Words can be misinterpreted so easily in a place like this, and so can intent.
Originally posted by Protocol
I'd say it's better to be careful than inconsiderate. Words can be misinterpreted so easily in a place like this, and so can intent.

That's what I was getting at when I apologised if I'd offended any christians. I was still being myself, but added that at the end to be considerate. Religion has caused so many wars throughout history that starting another one on this forum wasn't my intent.

Probably my biggest reason for having no faith in christianity is that the bible has so many holes and inconsistancies. Now any christians out there feel free to disagree that it has "so many", but I think it would be completely ignorant to admit no inconsistancy.
Yes, there are countless inconsistencies in the bible. Why not try jehova's? They're constantly updating their version of the bible to fill holes and make brainwashing of their subjects easier. :p
I hope I didn't come off as being offended by your post, Silhouette. I also don't consider myself a Christian.

If I may; we all know the Christian church stole Pagan holidays and assimilated their deities. Also, the church attributed magik unto Christ. At that time however, some religions believed that to honor their Gods they had to sacrifice a human. Not cool. The Christians offered salvation from a god that allowed the blood of his own son to be shed for everyone, not just "royalty". This ties in with the rest of this thread. Hence so many people in this life that go through their lives never knowing anything esoteric, or rather, having "limited knowledge".

anyway, I haven't had any coffee today, so I hope something coherent can be extrapolated from that stuff I just tried to write.