"Der Untergang"

Justin S.

Sep 3, 2004
Chicago, IL
Released as "Downfall" in North America. Went to see it last night, and i must say, it is a very powerful film. I thought some of you here might benefit from seeing it, and even though its off-topic- we havent exactly been strict with the rules lately, and i think this warrants a special mention.

I read Shirer's "Rise and Fall of The Third Reich" and much of the dialogue and mood in the film was spot on. While at times they overplayed the gullabilty of Goebbels and failed to mention things like OKW's plotting and the Russian mass raping of Berlin, overall is was a very fine film, but also incredibly sad. Not one for kids or the faint of heart. Also, i was very happy that they gave screen time to Albert Speer, and his "Germania" project.

Anyone else seen it?