Derek, (or any other Scotish bloke on this board)


May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
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Last night I had some drinks with some guys from Scottish Hockey team.

My friend met them in a bar in DC and brought them over to another friend of ours, where we had drinks in her yard last night.
Really sweet and cool guys.

I did however start this thread for you, and the reason is:

Man oh man, your accent is sexy ;)
Last night I had some drinks with some guys from Scottish Hockey team.

My friend met them in a bar in DC and brought them over to another friend of ours, where we had drinks in her yard last night.
Really sweet and cool guys.

I did however start this thread for you, and the reason is:

Man oh man, your accent is sexy ;)

Oh, did I mention that I'm from the italian part of scotland?

Last night I had some drinks (too many too quickly, in actuality) wi' some lads an' lassies fae Scotland. Lost my glasses ah wasnae even wearing, broke up a near-fight between my brother an' some eejit, somehow pissed off the dour bastard barman, an' had a nasty hangover the day as a result. Yep, Scottish people are sweet an' cool...

Thanks Karen. :)
Yeah, I'm insanely sexy. It goes with the territory.

Oh I also meant to say: We put on the accent to Non-Scots. It's not normally half as strong. Where were these lads from? The accent changes a tonne, so you could love theirs and hate mine. :)