I love it when this happens...


Aug 30, 2001
I typed this story out in an e-mail to some friends earlier and it got very long, so I'm going to give you guys the condensed version!

Last night I had passes to go see the new Borat movie, but when me and my friend got there, the theater was already full. Sort of bummed out, I remembered that Katatonia and Moonspell were playing at Studio 7. I'm not the biggest fan of either band but it was something else to do, so we cruised down there. Got there early and some local bands were playing. We went back to my band's rehearsal room and hung out for a bit and then came back and went to the bar upstairs. The next band started playing and I knew who they were, and I even recalled having a cd of theirs, but I never listened to it because honestly their name worried me haha. Either way, they start playing and I was sold on their complete awesomeness about 3 songs in. The band is Daylight Dies. Wow, they ripped and I especially liked their bassist and his Aguilar amps, which I'd never heard. Man what a great tone he had! I need to check those shits out!

Anyways, they're pretty depressive sounding, melancholic with huge soaring epic guitar parts and also nice melodic mellow passages with seriously tasty basslines. They play around with time a lot and they have lots of little tasty treats here and there that you don't expect, like cymbal catches and stops and really unique transitions and excellent song writing Great band, I was grinning the whole time... super impressed. I love being shocked unexpectedly like that! My only complaint is that they could probably stand to include a bit more double bass, but it's not bad.

I never had any intention of going to that show, but the stars worked in my favor last night and now I have a new band (and some seriously sweet bass amps) to get into! Awesome when fate works like that :)



EDIT: I also love it when THIS happens:
FUCKING AWESOME... Man, you should have told me about your concert a few weeks ago, I might have been able to come down for it.
For me, Katatonia is great for about 3 songs, then it just starts sounding monotonous.

Will, I didn't even notice your thread haha, my bad.
AnvilSnake said:
FUCKING AWESOME... Man, you should have told me about your concert a few weeks ago, I might have been able to come down for it.
I did tell you about it, a couple times I think.

It's 21+, remember? But we DO have an all ages show at Studio 7 on December 9th.