Ever wonder what happens when you black out from alcohol?

When you wanna go drinking with me? j/k man i only do that kinda shit to my friends that are cock blockers like my buddy kenny man what a dick just because this mother fucker cant get laid this motherfucker gotta go out of his way so nobody else can get laid either
Originally posted by dreaming neon darkspot
Friends help carry you home when you've had too much to drink.
Best friends help you carry bodies home when you've had too much to drink.
I love that saying:lol: I believe I heard it from Amos...
Though isn't it beer and hard liquor that get you so drunk you pass out?I'm more partial to wine,especially Sanguria,that stuff rules.

My dad drinks vodka... it's some strong ass shit... Beer, I'm not crazy about... Last time my cousins were here, my uncle took a "beer for the road" before they drove home. That shit pissed me off.
Originally posted by DEVIANCE
When you wanna go drinking with me? j/k man i only do that kinda shit to my friends that are cock blockers like my buddy kenny man what a dick just because this mother fucker cant get laid this motherfucker gotta go out of his way so nobody else can get laid either
