Ever wonder what happens when you black out from alcohol?

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
i stole this from an interesting thread on the BLS message board... kinda freaky...

"but anyway, i was talkin to this doctor and asked him what happens when u black out from alcohol. and he said that basically, you are a walking dead man. He said the place in your brain that stores the memory from everything u do is no longer functioning and there for you are basically dead for a little while, and the next day no matter how hard u try and remember what happened you wont be able to because u were dead. that is fuckin crazy man! "
"Damn engine's runnin' but there's no one behind the wheel" :mad: There's nothing worse than your "friends" taking advantage on a moments weakness and putting pictures of you being drunk silly :loco: on the internet. Only good thing about blackouts is that you don't remember any of the dumbass things you done. ( i.e. rambling about Brazilian deathmetal to a random Spanish exchange student ) :p Too bad your "friends" are there to remind you these things afterwards. :s
Friends help carry you home when you've had too much to drink.
Best friends help you carry bodies home when you've had too much to drink.
I love that saying:lol: I believe I heard it from Amos...
Though isn't it beer and hard liquor that get you so drunk you pass out?I'm more partial to wine,especially Sanguria,that stuff rules.
They are only cool if they dont happen to yourself i think it's killer when your buddy blacks out and you can write stuff on his face with black permanent marker and put smokes up his nose and light them and take you g-friend's dildo collection and place them around his face and mouth and take pictures thats cool *I SWEAR I NEVER DONE IT*:D