Hey! I love Nevermore too.

Our Freequency

New Metal Member
Aug 31, 2002
Chicago land
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And i don't care who knows it! First off, i would like to say hello to all Nevermore fans reading this, it's nice to know i'm not alone. Second off, I'm not a new Nevermore fan, I've been listening to Loomis, Warrel, Van, and Jim tear it up since the year 2000. And, like some of you out there, I am dedicated to the fact that Nevermore is just the greatest band out there today. I've seen them twice, once with In Flames(whome I love) and once with Savatage(whome I've, to this day, never heard).They are just masters at what they do. Now, a bit more about me. My name is Dan and I live in Chicagoland area and I'm 20 years old. I love beer, weed, and (though I'm trying to quit) cigarretes. I play guitar and a friend and I started a rock and roll band called "Our Freequency" and one day, hopefully, you'll all here our stuff. My favorite nevermore song has to be The River Dragon though I'm really starting to like alot of the stuff on Polotics... I realize I'm babbling, but that's because I've been chugging my dad's Old Styles like they were mine. Okay, hopefully I won't get flammed. Peace out!
im a guitarist too everyone (deathstrike from hell) my names dan. im in a thrash metal band out of medina, ohio. the crucified mor†als. im currently practicing guitar to dreaming neon black, so im no stranger to nevermore either. ive been listening to nevermore before they were nevermore hahaha
im interested in starting a nevermore tribute band, and if ANYone is interested, this could be the greatest thing ive ever heard. i can play most nevermore songs excluding a couple solos (who CAN play jeff's solos) hahaha oh well. now im rambling
Hope you have some fresh ideas, I get bored easy.Looks like you have the package working for ya, beer , weed.... for a youngie.
Well, I guess this is a good place to introduce myself also. Everyone calls me "mama" and I have been a huge Nevermore fan since they were Sanctuary! (Yes, I'm old!) But I canNOT go a day without hearing them. I'm addicted. (to other things also, but that's for later!!) I've been reading your threads and you guys are all really great! I hope I get a chance to talk to all of you. Except that BIFF person! My daddy indeed!
Anyway beautiful ones, have a great time in whatever you do today, tomorrow, ect. love
"Location: A Box"
I'd rather live in a box then live where I do. Stupid goddamned redneck, hick, incest infested state. Oh well, I guess I can live with it. Don't have much of a choice right now. I'm not the best person to welcome you, since I am new also and hated by some, but for what it counts, WELCOME TO THE BIGGEST DAMN FLAME BOARD EVER CREATED, BOTH OF YOU. HAVE FUN!
Oh wow, thanks you guys! But I must say "I'm sorry" to Our Freequency for tagging on to his thread. Forgive me?
As for my location, wellll, I did check out the bumfights....
Maybe I could change it to say:

FLORIDA: Hell with humidity
Hmm, maybe the second one. I'll umm, have to "cough, cough" look in to that.
Anyway, thanks again guys!
What type of crackers? Are they cheese. Or wait, do you mean THAT kind of cracker. Okay. Well, RIP50 would love to live there.
Yeah, they're cheesy alright!
Ahh, RIP50, it's people like him who keep the "hate machine" grinding. It's sad to see someone so young, so full of hate for his fellow man. No matter what color they are or creed. His influences have done a great job instilling those emotions and feelings in him. Maybe someone should slip him a little window pane, give him a different point of view to consider!
BWD, you ARE going to do great things child!! Keep reading those books!
I know RIP likes to fuck with people, but can't he think of a better way to do it? Oh wait! He did do that "I like Cock" thread with your name. It was funny. That was original. No offense to you sweetie. Anyway, I'm sure it didn't bother you too much. You seem to be confident in who you are and what you can do.
Thanks for the welcome babes!
Don't do anything I wouldn't do, and IF you do...Take notes!!