Papa Josh

Minister of Propaganda

Inside Out Music

1. Day Of The Dead
2. Alpha Burst
3. God Of War
4. Goin' To Church
5. El Flamingo Suave
6. Trojan Horse
7. One Way Or The Other
8. A View From The Sky
9. The River Song

Former DREAM THEATER keyboardist Derek Sherinian returns with his second solo album, featuring a lot of the same players from the Black Utopia album, but a few welcome additions as well. Sherinian is an incredible player and he's surrounded himself with a molten hotbed of guitar talent, including Zakk Wylde, Steve Stevens, John Sykes, Steve Lukather and Allan Holdsworth, among others. In fact, this release will appeal to just as many guitarists as it will keyboardists and pianists.

The opening track busts out with a mean riff courtesy of Wylde, guitar screams and all. Sherinian's organ tones augment and make the song even heavier. Around the 1:45 mark there's a melody that is incredibly similar to "In The Dead of Night," by the band U.K, a song also covered by Yngwie Malmsteen flawlessly a few years ago. But, back on topic, Mythology is a complex smorgasboard of prog, fusion, metal and the kitchen sink. The collaborations with so many players from different fields definitely works to Sherinian's advantage. So, if you're looking for something without vocals (minus the final track, featuring Wylde on vocals) that'll still keep your attention, then I'd say Derek Sherinian's Mythology is a safe purchase for you.


Papa Josh