Describe the person above you.

^lui e molto buffo :D


^^ i haven't been here for a while if you haven't noticed;)

Haha yeah I noticed, but... aww well you got what I meant :p

Uh yeah, I'd like that...sitting around a fire in a forest full of snow...
Wait, what? ...with "fire" I mean a...little fire (..what is the word for it in english?...ah, says it's "bonfire"?), I'd like to sit with my friends around such a "bonfire" on a forest full of snow...:)

But....taking pics then? Naahh...:p Maybe some pics of the forest...and the snoooow! :)

Well, you can say "fire" too, we understand that you actually don't mean to burn the forest :lol: Tho, would "Camp fire" be good? I know "Feu de camp" is an expression in french, don't know if it exist in english.

Yeah, right...:)



Haha yeah I noticed, but... aww well you got what I meant :p

Well, you can say "fire" too, we understand that you actually don't mean to burn the forest :lol: Tho, would "Camp fire" be good? I know "Feu de camp" is an expression in french, don't know if it exist in english.

Ummm...well, when I typed "fire" I thought "What? ...I don't want to burn the forest! :O"
...sooo, I looked it up on google... and google said it's "bonfire" or "campfire" ...but I think "campfire" is more would cook with it? ...I don't know. :p

Hmm, prochaine fois je parlerais francais...:)