Describe the person above you.

^has a myspace.:kickass:

^Someone named Dave who I like to make up stupid shit about just so I can have fun describing him like last week was wearing a goat suit but this week is wearing a bear suit but maybe next week he will wear a stupid rabbit suit like Frank from Donnie Darko yeh ya know just for fun


"Why do you wear that silly bunny costume?" - Donnie Darko

"Why do you wear that sillly human costume?" - Frank The Rabbit
^Awesome Donni Darko Quote.

(by the way it's Avril Lavigne, and no I don't listen to that even if she got some catchy song. And why I remember it's Lavigne? Cause it means La Vigne, pretty easy to remember for a french speaking mothafucka :lol:)
^omg... I dunno if I got it, should check it out soon then... not now though cause I really don't feel like it, not in the good mood... sorry