Describe the person above you.

^even though doesn't know me, says nice things to me... (and I say thanks for this :) ) and has a cool avatar (cause I like wolves, and snow too)..
Korruptive said:
well it's how you seem, to me anyway :)

Ok, Ok... I let you think that way, but.... everyone here tells me that I'm like that.... it's a good compliment, thank you, but you are all wrong, believe me....
Don't wanna cheat on you... but I'm really different from what here the most think about me.... :cry: I'm bad.... bad, baaaaaad!! :heh:
^yes, i did!! :heh:
so please, don't do like Leandro... tell me that I got you disappointed.... at least you!! Please, pleaseeee.. it's a matter of life or death.... :p