^ the thing in Chris' avatar doesn't look like a LOTR-thingy at all..
more like a figure from a computer game or something.

^Knows what In Flames album to recommend me?
^Doesn't need a gf
Knowing your preferences, I would recommend you start with The Jester Race and Whoracle. And if you're lucky enough to find Lunar Strain and Subterranean, you'll like those too. My personal favorites are Colony, Clayman, and Come Clarity, but that's because those have a very awesome blend of melody and brutality. DO NOT, under any circumstances, listen to Soundtrack to Your Escape. Only listen to Reroute to Remain and A Sense of Purpose if you want to experiment with different stuff than you're used to.
Actually, I'm going to have to debate you on this one. Yes, start with Jester Race, but save Whoracle for later. While Whoracle isn't a bad album, to me, it's not a great follow-up to TJR. It should be easy to find Lunar Strain/Subterranean, check your regular cd outlets.
Check out Soundtrack to your escape if you want to experiment. And I highly reccomend Reroute to Remain.
^Wants to debate me
I only made the recommendations that I did based on what I know Derek likes and doesn't like. As far as my personal tastes go, like I said, Colony, Clayman, and Come Clarity are my favorites, and because of the melodic elements of those albums, R2R is also one of my favorite albums from them. STYE is okay, IMO. I do like some of the songs from there. ASOP is similarly okay - not great, but it has its high points. As for Whoracle and TJR, it took me awhile to get into them, mostly because I had started my In Flames listening with Clayman and R2R, and as such, was not used to the harder sound of the band.
If I was to recommend to someone who had never even heard of the band before what to listen to, here's how I would advise them:
1. Colony
2. Clayman
3. Come Clarity
4. Reroute to Remain
5. Whoracle
6. A Sense of Purpose
7. The Jester Race
8. Soundtrack to Your Escape
9. Lunar Strain
10. Subterranean
I make this order to provide the best contrast between their older and newer sounds. Sure, it might shellshock people, but IMO, it's necessary to give them the best possible understanding of the band.
^Should recommend me In Flames's hardest stuff then, becaus I don't know whre to start.
Start with Lunar Strain and Subteranean. Then move on to The Jester Race.