Describe the person above you.

I'm an even better on-line camgirl
I actually have to do other things, so you will be all by your lonesome =O

For your inquiring mind, I typed "well you can still join me" or something along those lines. lame.. I know :lol: Plus, I like respect you more than that so it was only a joke.

Good night!
^Yay flag:D Described me with my nationality.

Yes Pokemon:mad:

And it's a Slowpoke, not a Pikachu!:blush:

The name is derived from the word "slowpoke", an insult directed at a lazy or sluggish person. This usage has then been reversed, using the Pokémon as a metaphor for such a person in the real world.[27] The Slowpoke character is slow at moving and thinking,[28] and has two separate evolution options.