Describe the person above you.


sounds fair to me, its 10$ for a gram here
but we have a LOT of different sizes...

like a nickle bag is 5$, dimebag/10 sack is 10 (or a gram), then theres a dub which is 20$ (1.5-2 grams), then theres a dub 5 which is like 25$ worth, then an eighth which is 40$ etc. etc. etc.

sounds fair to me, its 10$ for a gram here
but we have a LOT of different sizes...

like a nickle bag is 5$, dimebag/10 sack is 10 (or a gram), then theres a dub which is 20$ (1.5-2 grams), then theres a dub 5 which is like 25$ worth, then an eighth which is 40$ etc. etc. etc.

yeah but you have to distinguish between what pay for ONE gram of normal shit and what you pay for african weed, zero zero, black maroc,...