Describe the person above you.

^is aim is really to become a writer!

(ps:I was already awesome? Oh well, thank you so much! :)
Anyway, I didn't know that you would like to become a writer, but I've always thought that you used your language very properly, cause you don't use only the same words, you change and I find you able to make your sentences not "empty"...and obviously interesting to read... I'm sincere. :))
^:lol: I wrote songs consisting of my vocabularly, I got 3 good ones who I sent to about 30 people on msn and they all wanted to steal it (grr)I also intend to be writer, primarily of fantasy tales, and mysticism. I like to write lyrics, I have been told I have a talent for poems, however I am not concerned with it that much :p I also want to become a guitarist, I've been taking lessons for a year now, I thought pornstar would be good and/or funny but I might risk my health:(