Describe the person above you.

The Human Equation said:
jajajajaja chale... :rofl:DD pos no que tu jefe bien serio??? :rofl:DD

este tipo, Soy, cree que es Jefe de Patron, jajajajajajaja :rofl:DD

como diría la fresa de mi prima... "0 que ver we" :rofl:DD

Jefe de patrón, esa ni la entendi, pero yo soy bien wey para entender algunas cosas, JAJAJAJA podemos utilizar esa palabra como doble sentido.

Mi jefe a veces dice cosas asi :rofl:
^ avatar changes and yet always manages to look similar to me..

Saartje said:
describes himself as a shagrath look-alike (but in fact I think you look nicer than him)

FTW? I do not .. well, I can't really judge.. and are you male or female?
Heartless_Name said:
^ I meant like, yer avatar changes, either color, or head tilt/hair color but they all are relatively similar, like the same position.

Really? hmm... I didn't noticed this fact...
But honestly I don't see all this similarity between me and you... and, then, I never try to look similar to someone! ;)
┼Victim of the Night┼ said:
Really? hmm... I didn't noticed this fact...
But honestly I don't see all this similarity between me and you... and, then, I never try to look similar to someone! ;)

huh? thing we're getting lost in translation, I didn't say we look similar, I said all yer pics kinda do...nvm. :loco: