For my new band/project which Glenn knows all about 
Anyhoo, this site isn't quite as tehcnical as my Celtia site, which although looking basic, is the most automated site i have ever made! hahahaha!
This one, i'm going for a more traditional setup and is still under MAJJJOR design beta...
Could you's just take a look and report any bugs so far?
Itäs optimised for 1024x786 Firefox...
Oh, there will be content when it's done, i'm just trying to get the design down...
Oh, and there will be a logo when it's completed and sent to me!

Anyhoo, this site isn't quite as tehcnical as my Celtia site, which although looking basic, is the most automated site i have ever made! hahahaha!
This one, i'm going for a more traditional setup and is still under MAJJJOR design beta...
Could you's just take a look and report any bugs so far?
Itäs optimised for 1024x786 Firefox...
Oh, there will be content when it's done, i'm just trying to get the design down...
Oh, and there will be a logo when it's completed and sent to me!