Designing a website for my new band, choose which layout you prefer.

Which is better?

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Jul 21, 2003
Oulu, Finland
I made two layouts and can't decide which i like most. Please be honest, give criticism to either!


I've drawn everything by hand or from scratch using photoshop filters!


The buttons in 1) are the idle state, the buttons in 2) are the rollover images... I just wanted to show both buttons... they will be the same in either design.

And some parts of this site will probably be animated!


ah, in the other thread i didn't see the "adobe cs3 flash" application open! so i'm guessing you're doing it in flash? personally.. i wouldn't. i'd code it in html.

as for designs, i like #1 the best.. but i like the header of #2. maybe try mixing them together?
I said #1, but tbh I don't really like either of them. I think going for a simpler look would work much better.. theres just too much going on in both, moreso in the second one. I can also pick apart many of the filters you've used (ie. clouds, and the background I forget what its called, strings or something under Render). Go to deviantart, you can download a lot of brushes there, and use those instead of filters, as everyone and their mother can use and recognise filters but brushes are a little more unique. I'm also not liking the colour choices either, but thats up to you.

Sorry :/ I know how painful it can be
I said #1, but tbh I don't really like either of them. I think going for a simpler look would work much better.. theres just too much going on in both, moreso in the second one. I can also pick apart many of the filters you've used (ie. clouds, and the background I forget what its called, strings or something under Render). Go to deviantart, you can download a lot of brushes there, and use those instead of filters, as everyone and their mother can use and recognise filters but brushes are a little more unique. I'm also not liking the colour choices either, but thats up to you.

Sorry :/ I know how painful it can be

Haha, i agree somewhat, i've started learning PS properly 2 weeks ago and haven't experimented with brushes yet :D
Ditto, sorry to say, you still have some work to do. The first looks more like a slime covered sic forest thing going on while the second is more like a rusted custom amp case with a tv screen/timeportal stuck behind it.. and those are very crude analogies.
Initial impression, I liked the first one but it took me a while just to figure out the name in either version.. could be cause I just woke up but I had to kinda study it a bit, it was not immediately recognizable to me.
Can't dispute any criticism here!

I really appreciate the brutal honesty and i am open to suggestions! :D This is my first all graphics website so i realise i may be going a bit overboard or it looking less "mature".
Well, I can't really be your best advisor or judge, but I can be a layman just looking at it from a layperson, artist typical joe pov.

In other words, I'm not a webdesigner either.

I think your concepts are good, definitely workable, they just need the right series of tweak and refinement. Its like note choice.
With that, if you are having a bit of a time with something artistic.. I tend to process ideas while I'm doing something else, like sleeping :) ... or working, shower etc...
Sometimes if you take a step away from the project for can come back with a fresher perspective on what to try next.
Course, as an artist, you likely know this. If you're on a timeframe, those cannot always be options.
I don't really like either of them. I think going for a simpler look would work much better.. theres just too much going on in both.
Sorry :/ I know how painful it can be

I agree. To much. Can't read the name. The buttons are so old school.

Sorry and good luck. :erk:
Don't do it yourself unless you have more than 2 weeks practice ... a lot of people who do DIY have more than 2 years practice and it still doesn't look good ... and webdesigners are not expensive these days ...
To Gavin, just some pointers:

Just look at some band websites you like and ask yourself what it is that you dig then try to emulate that without copying it too much.
Start with a simple and clean (!) layout. Avoid weird shapes and make the background less disturbing...make it smooth looking, less aggressive (for the eye)...
Ditch any 3d stuff like shadows, perspective stuff and so on, make the page looking flat, you can add enhancements later on.
And less is more! The more details you add, the more overloaded it will look and the harder it gets to make it look professional.
With the music you write and play dude, you could have a basic text sheet for a website and still get signed. I would not worry hard on making the website a visual feast for the metalhead, your music speaks for itself.

If you really want ka-pow-zoom-blango-whoocha on the website I'd say make a killer graphic for front splash page, then do the rest easy. Ever seen Paul Gilbert's page? Yeah, not much there.