Designing some cd art

them][nstrel said:

Really nice graphics, but it seems a bit "messy" to me. I prefer more "focused" covers. Details is a nice thing, but looking at this pic, it seems hard to grasp it all. To much information.
Its nice work... but its a little... polished?

It all seems a litlte smooth and digitaly perfected... do you have anything darker and more natural looking?
yeah its pretty sweet. i can see it being inside the sleve maybe. like have something simplistic on the cover and all of the sudden you turn the page and BOOM you get this onslaught of messages. then just a plain white background with lyrics or thank you's and production credits or whatever on the next couple of pages so it will make the one page with the crazy graphics seem even crazier and stand out more.
Ah, excellent work, them][nstrel! I really, really dig the first one, and the second one is quite cool. Honestly, I didn't particularly care for the third one, but that's just my opinion... :) I'm in the process of doing my cover art right now also; I'm aiming for a mathematical theme, with a bunch of complex equations and images of spirals, hyperbolas, etc. If you've ever seen Gordian Knot's artwork, it's quite similiar to that.

How exactly did you create the first one? Photoshop?