

Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit

Who are you and what do you do (in the band)?
My name is Otto Schimmelpenninck and I'm Detonation's bass player.

Where's the band from?
The band's from Utrecht/Zeist, the Netherlands.

Who're your major influences?
Difficult to say. We all love bands like At the Gates, The Haunted, Dark Tranquillity etcetera, and allthough they may have influenced us, nowadays we don't really have major influences anymore, because we somehow have managed to create our own sound and style. Maybe inspiration is a better word.

What's your local scene like?
The local scene is great, there are loads of good bands and concerts are reasonably well visited. The sphere in the scene is also very good, everybody knows everybody and bands are trying to promote fellow bands as much as possible.

How can people hear your music?
We try to perform as much as possible, so in the Netherlands almost everybody has had, or will have, an oppurtunity to hear our music live. We also have been in some radio broadcasting, but probably the most important medium is the internet; we've uploaded some of our songs to, so everybody with an internet connection will be able to hear us.

If you could play a gig with 3 other bands, who would it be?
Can't speak for the rest of the band I think, but for me personally that would be The Haunted, Opeth, Cannibal Corpse and the Red Hot Chili Peppers (hmm... that's 4!).

What's your best gig memory?
I think the CD-presentation of 'Lost Euphoria', in ACU, Utrecht. The ACU is small, so it was packed and the crowd went mad.

What's your worst?
Well, of course there always are gigs that don't go too well, but don't really have a worst gig memory.

Would you describe your sound as Hot or Cold?
I think it's hot, because it's powerfull and brutal. Darkthrone has a cold sound.

What are you plans for the future?
Right now we're performing a lot and promoting 'An Epic Defiance'. Our aim is getting signed by a good label, so hopefully that's what the future will bring.

What song of yours should people listen to before any other?
My personal favorite is 'An Epic Defiance', it's the first song of the album, and also the first one you will see when you go to

If a label said they'd sign you for a 10 album, multi-million $ deal, providing you got rid of one of your members (you can choose!), would you do it?
That's a difficult one! Those are our ambitions, but for me personally.... I couldn't do it. Don't know about the rest of the band, but provided that I would be the one they had to get rid of, I would volunteer.

What's your favourite album of all time, and why?
Well, hard to choose one album of all my favorites, but I think that would be 'Master of Puppets'. I really like the sphere of that album, the musicianship is great and the album is absolutely timeless.

What was the main reason you became a musician?
I've always been a musician, when I was young I used to play classical instruments. When I started listening to metal more and more, I also wanted to play a metal instrument, and I also wanted to play in a band. Then the choice was kind of commercial: there were too many guitar players around, drums weren't an option because I wouldn't able to rehearse at home, so bass guitar was left!

How would you like to be remembered?
Just as a nice person. Or do you mean as band? I think as band we would like to be remembered as a legend, something like At the Gates.

What's the first word that comes to mind when you see the word MANOWAR!

What one location in the world would you love to play a gig at?
In front of the pyramids of Egypt (well, given there would be a large crowd of course).

What do you think of the current metal magazines? Which rock, and which are shit?
To be honest, I don't read that many magazines. But, in general I hate magazines who review CD's in a crappy way, only giving their opinion and not listening objectively. Of course a review is an opinion, but you should also try to see/hear the good things of a band you don't like, because they have been working on their product. But generally speaking, I think there are many good 'zines, especially on the internet, and I think there's a good magazine for everybody.

Tell us 3 good reasons why people should listen to you?
Well, I think the album we've just released is a killer in general, but I also think we've succeeded in creating our own sound. Listening a few tracks is free on, so why not listen!

Any message for your fans and the UM masses?
We would like to thank everybody who's supported us so far in any way, without your help the recordings of 'An Epic Defiance' would not have been possible! We also would like everybody to listen to our mp3's at, sign the guestbook to let us know what you think and buy the album from the UM store! Keep supporting metal!

Official site:
A few months ago, Detonation signed to Osmose Records, and Released An Epic Defiance worldwide in June. Here's an official statement from their website,

Detonation proudly announce to have signed a deal for three albums with Osmose Productions from France! Of course we're very, very pleased with this deal, which is an absolute milestone in Detonation's history. Now it all starts for real! Main targets are a fast (worldwide) release of 'An Epic Defiance' and hopefully some foreign gigs in the nearby future. Many thanks go out to everybody who have supported us so far, hails!

I believe all 500 copies of An Epic Defiance that were self financed are gone, but they may soon be a collectors item. For more Detonation check out the Lost Euphoria EP released on Crushed Skull Records.

A very good album. The vocalist do some really nice twists with it's roaring, and the guitars are well preformed. It's kinda refreshing voice in terms of melodic death metal, with a really good vox and no plans to go mainstream In-flames's style.
ive got detonations album, they fucking rock.very good (a bit melodic at times - not my thing) for the most part.
ive heard only one song from you guys and i liked it but im trying to find a couple more songs to hear before i buy the Cd...I already found the Cd so that i can buy it when im ready, but i usually like to download and listen to a few songs from the band before i accually buy the cds....Thats what i did for Insomnium, and Children of Bodom the first times i listened to them now I own all of their cds.... That was a long time ago though...well for hasnt evan been a year yet since i started Listening to Insomnium...