Detroit rumor

Testament Legions said:
What's wrong with Cleveland?


Ah... my California friend, if you lived in the midwest, you wouldn't have to ask this question.

Seriously though, is there any official reason for not playing Detroit?
Sounds like someone got in a little trouble here!:loco: Where can I get info on these shows. Ya know we have a big cultural void here in Michigan, anything outside the mainstream gets sucked into some blackhole. When are these dates and where can I get tickets to both the Detroit and Cleveland shows? Tanx a bunch:hotjump:FUK all I had to do was go one thread up, are tix availiable at TicketBastard?o_O
So who got busted for smoking up? :lol:

I've always thought that the whole Mideast was a cultural black least, that's what I hear from my friends who visit. To quote two:

-Me: Hello?
Jack: You gotta help me, dude.
Me: Where the fuck have you been?
Jack: I'm in Chicago.
Me: Why are you calling from Chicago? Did you find Jesus?
Jack: No, everyone here is fat, boring, and stupid. I desperately need to talk to someone from home.
Me: Isn't this hella expensive?
Jack: It's a lot cheaper than losing my fucking mind.

-Me: So, how was Ohio?
Mara: Well, there were some trees...and some houses.
Me: Oh, they have those in Ohio?
Mara: Those and a couple Rite-Aids. And that's really about it.

No offense to anyone...just found that amusing and wanted to compare it to actual accounts of Central USA life. Anyone?
Can you say Blink 182 and Godsmack?, And you better not like anything else! People here suck. Suck suck suck. Stupid yes, for sure. Fat?, you bet, what else is there to do for 7 months of winter. Bad attitudes, that is fo' sho'!
Who got caught smokin' down, well let's see, of the two original band members.....................................:loco: I have'nt seen Chuck and guys in too long. Hung out with 'em a few times in Fla. I still remember the day I found The New Order LP, yes LP in a music store. :)