Devastation for Threshold


crazed tattooed metalhead
Jan 19, 2002
From The Threshold house site:

We are greatly saddened to have to you that at about 5.30 pm Saturday Nov 13th, Jhonn Balance, was killed in an accident at home.

Under the influence of alcohol he fell from the first floor landing, hitting his head on the floor some 15ft below.

Peter/Sleazy who was in the front room heard the noise, came out investigate and found him unconscious, though still breathing.

Balance was rushed to hospital, where his condition deteriorated, and he died soon after, without ever regaining consciousness.

There is no suggestion that this event was in any way deliberate, in fact, anything other than a tragic accident.

Unusually, Balance had been cheerfull during the day, and was looking forward to seeing Ian at the weekend, and working on new recordings this week.

* * *

Our awareness that physical death is not an end, but mearly a transition to a whole different part of existence, a new adventure, should by now be clear to everyone.

Jhonn has simply crossed over the Threshold...
Not to make light of someone dying, but when I read your post I assumed that someone in the band Threshold died. My boyfriend read this thread earlier today and thought the same thing. We both just started getting into Threshold (we are normally are not fans of straight prog, but they are really good), so we were concerned.

So, before anyone else thinks that, I thought I'd post that this has nothing to do with the band Threshold.

Being that there is a very popular prog band that has been to prog power with the name Threshold, you should have used a different subject and maybe said something like Threshold House (obscure Brittish Label) etc ...
Ditto... I had gone to the Threhold website too... until I saw it was threshold house
I thought he was referring to the drummer of Threshold as well. I know the drummers name is Johanne or at least I think it is. Who are you actually referring to? I still have no idea; sad story...