

In memory of Chuck
May 2, 2001
Corner Brook Canada
I was being a theif in school the other day for fun and I found this Mic .. and brought it home. If some of you remember one day last year close to $300 (I think) of stuff was stollen from my locker and they did NOTHING about it at all so now everything I see that belongs to my school that is out in the open I steal ... shame on me .. but the governments pay for it and nobody cares so fuck you! ... anyway my question was what is the value of this mic .. is it anygood ... how good is it on a scale from 1 (being very bad) to 10
umm shit. I posted this somewhere else and had the name of the mic in the subject but got no reply's, I decided to post it here with new name forgetting that there was no reference to the mic's name in the post just the subject... uhh yeh

The name is Shure ... SM58
Originally posted by warsofwinter
If some of you remember one day last year close to $300 (I think) of stuff was stollen from my locker and they did NOTHING about it at all so now everything I see that belongs to my school that is out in the open I steal

If you decide to steal from the school, and then decide you need revenge when they dont do anything when your stuff gets chuffed, then im afraid this ball is going to hit you in the back of the head.