DevilDriver - The Last Kind Words

Ahaha.. This might as well turn into a Bill Hicks appreciation thread!

Devildriver's singer, not only untalented, is an utter jerk off - refer to Cladindarkness' run in with him whilst playing live. The band is Des trying to cling to the hope that he has some sort of credibility as a musician, but considering their music is horribly average.. That grip is lost rather quickly. Des is just an arrogant fuckwit who thinks his bands are cool.. But he's just churning out dross.

There are so many more far FAR better bands around than this steaming pile of turd.

..Oh.. And it's Beelzebozo time!

what happened?
what happened?

I cannot remember it perfectly, so.. Take that in mind.

Coy (cladindarkness) was with his ex-girlfriend, and during the Devildriver set he had his back turned to the stage and was talking to her. Des got insulted and started shouting at him to get into the moshpit etc and, if i'm not mistaken, was calling him a pussy etc. Coy, not liking the band one bit, didn't acknowledge Des talking to him. Des threw a hissy fit and wouldn't leave him alone.. And Coy just refused to do what Des ordered him to. Don't take my word on this, but i think Des even spat at Coy too.

There is more detail to this, i may ask Coy precisely what happened.. And correct any errors.
DUDE!! What are you doing coming on here askin peoples opinion about a band espically a band like Devildriver. Even I knew not to as that question on the Opeth boards of course alot of people are going to bash them. I actually like them and the new album is very good. Like I was saying its not the smartest idea coming on here and ask an opinion about a band unless its an Opeth album or a PT album but you know thats just me
actually this is a GREAT place to ask about other music. most people on this board listen to a wide variety of music, and unfortunately that means running across shit bands like devildriver from time to time. in fact i dont see why anyone on this board would be biased against devildriver to begin with. the fact remains that they are shit.
I saw them open for Opeth once. The crowd seemed to get into it, but it is shit. I remember when I used to like Coal Chamber HAHA...
never heard'em.......thogh as uve gathered by one here really likes them...hahaha...!!!....hey as long as u dig 'em thats al that matters u know...I wont let anyone tell me DIDO sux...coz she doesnt.....again...u is muisc...if u like it...doenst matter who else likes it or not....its ure lil sanctuary....PEAC EOUT
all_sins_undone is pretty much correct. This is a great place to discuss/ask about music. But shit music WILL be received badly ;)

yes. you can learn about alot of great music from this forum, you can also know what a shitty band is by the general consensus of this forum. it's too bad when one guy loves a shitty band and everyone has to make him look "a'fool."
DUDE!! What are you doing coming on here askin peoples opinion about a band espically a band like Devildriver. Even I knew not to as that question on the Opeth boards of course alot of people are going to bash them. I actually like them and the new album is very good. Like I was saying its not the smartest idea coming on here and ask an opinion about a band unless its an Opeth album or a PT album but you know thats just me

I saw them open for Opeth, and liked the new video.
This band is complete shit. I was at the show where they recorded their DVD on the Opeth tour. I was hoping someone would have thrown a dildo on stage and hit the singer in the face while he was singing.