Devil's Whorehouse - Revelation Unorthodox

dill_the_devil Music Editor
Devil's Whorehouse - Revelation Unorthodox
Regain Records - bloodna1016 - 2004
By Philip Whitehouse


Whether you get anything out of Devil's Whorehouse's debut album or not really depends on your answer to the following question - does the idea of Marduk members B. War and Morgan Steinmeyer Hakkanson forming a Misfits/Samhain covers band, then releasing original material inspired by those roots, really appeal to you? If the answer is yes, then you're going to love this. If, on the other hand, you can't stand anything even vaguely Glenn Danzig related, run for the hills.

This is dirty, sludgy, sleazed-up punk metal performed with a black metal edge - witness the ambient dissonance rising through the overdriven noise throughout the album, or the blastbeating opening track 'Swallow Your Soul'. Tommy Tagtren's production manages to capture the spirit of the eighties whilst the music heads for a Danzig II revisited vibe, by way of primitive black metal tendencies.

Album highlight is undoubtedly the none-more-sleazy riffage to be found in 'Bondage Goddess' - ridiculous lyrics, but the grit and dirt in the riffs gives this track a punked-up atmosphere all of it's own. This is undoubtedly something of a novelty release, but it's a damned good one. I hope there's no repeat performance though - this sort of thing, you can only get away with once.


Devil's Whorehouse
Regain Records