Hahaha yeah I have no idea when this will be posted, they have it already...
Yeah Jeff I'm sorry I should have told it more on the forum (especially since people could have hosted me on my tourist travel afterwards, hahaha), but at the same time, believe me, I didn't have much time to spare on this tour doing sound and setup for two bands playing one after the other...
Loving this, great job, Brett!

Bummer they didn't put ID3 tags into the mp3's, though. :(

*edit* given it two listens now... absolutely love Devin live. He's even better when he's getting a better crowd response, too, but even here you can tell he's just having a good time and doesn't pay any real attention to the naysayers.

For the gtrs on this, Brett, was it the AxeFX's direct? Was the Axe the only thing Devin is using for all his delays and ambience, too?
Loving it, awesome job on the mix Brett!

As a side note, next time I play in front of an apathetic, too-cool-for-school crowd, I will have to take a few cues from Devin here (and get ready to dodge flying objects.)
Thanks guys :)

David's guitar is Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier Road King II (SM57 in front of Mesa cabinet).


Devin's guitar is the Axe-FX and Roland GP-100 (for delays I believe). Direct.

Here are a couple of pictures Devin asked me to take on that same Baltimore night.



And as a bonus for you guys the console from which the show was recorded
