rebirth spacestation '76film Apr 11, 2004 2,906 8 38 hell Apr 28, 2009 #61 dreamscapes dude, nice on a sunday afternoon
Chromatose Squid pro quo Apr 5, 2002 20,880 67 48 Maryland Jun 6, 2009 #62 pssst, Will Bozarth ebay: YAMAHA Compass CPX 700 - Devin Townsend's "Ki" guitar
Will Bozarth Everlasting Godstopper Jan 26, 2002 32,414 197 63 37 New Jersey Jun 7, 2009 #63 I'd love it, but I can't afford it with the August thing and Germany to save for.
Det Som Engang Var Viking Bastard Jun 3, 2005 13,262 13 38 34 Houston, TX Jun 7, 2009 #64 This sounds great.
Will Bozarth Everlasting Godstopper Jan 26, 2002 32,414 197 63 37 New Jersey Jun 7, 2009 #65 yep
Will Bozarth Everlasting Godstopper Jan 26, 2002 32,414 197 63 37 New Jersey Jun 7, 2009 #67 yep! got mine a week ago *dances* I hope he does this for all of his new cds.
Chromatose Squid pro quo Apr 5, 2002 20,880 67 48 Maryland Jun 19, 2009 #68 Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2015
Shpongled Member Aug 30, 2001 13,488 91 48 Jun 19, 2009 #69 Listened to this for the first time last night. I was into it for about 4 songs but it just never got any better I got bored by the time it was over. MIGHT listen again.
Listened to this for the first time last night. I was into it for about 4 songs but it just never got any better I got bored by the time it was over. MIGHT listen again.
Captain Beard No longer active Sep 6, 2001 28,010 99 48 Jun 19, 2009 #70 I couldn't get into Ki. I tried. I failed Devy.
Will Bozarth Everlasting Godstopper Jan 26, 2002 32,414 197 63 37 New Jersey Jun 19, 2009 #71 looove it love it love it
Anvil Brain Bubbled Jun 2, 2004 8,381 37 48 Jun 19, 2009 #72 I did a full listen through a few weeks ago... I really wasn't too impressed. A few excerpts were interesting, but nothing really "Amazing."
I did a full listen through a few weeks ago... I really wasn't too impressed. A few excerpts were interesting, but nothing really "Amazing."
Chromatose Squid pro quo Apr 5, 2002 20,880 67 48 Maryland Jun 19, 2009 #73 Report back after 5 more listens.
azal love is the answer Nov 12, 2002 10,888 16 38 43 Belgrade, Serbia Visit site Jun 19, 2009 #74 nothing's going to grab you like OMG on Ki. you can tell that he wanted it to be very subtle and stay in some kind of middle ground. it's most obvious in songs where there's an obvious build up that could easily be turned into some huge epic climax, but it never does. the next album will be more enjoyable for people who want to here classic devy I think.
nothing's going to grab you like OMG on Ki. you can tell that he wanted it to be very subtle and stay in some kind of middle ground. it's most obvious in songs where there's an obvious build up that could easily be turned into some huge epic climax, but it never does. the next album will be more enjoyable for people who want to here classic devy I think.
Liverslapper w00t Oct 17, 2005 10,248 3 38 37 Kinnear, Wyoming Jun 20, 2009 #75 Kind of like the Jeff Loomis solo album, it takes a few listens.
WhiteBeastofWotan Apostitutes! May 22, 2003 31,057 123 63 36 Philly Visit site Jun 20, 2009 #76 I gave both a few listens, and I still don't like either.
Altitudes Stay Frosty Jun 18, 2007 6,870 2 38 34 California Jun 21, 2009 #77 I like a few tracks of the new album. But I always come back to Accelerated Evolution, Terria, and Synchestra
I like a few tracks of the new album. But I always come back to Accelerated Evolution, Terria, and Synchestra
Chromatose Squid pro quo Apr 5, 2002 20,880 67 48 Maryland Oct 1, 2009 #78 oh hey new album teaser clips
WhiteBeastofWotan Apostitutes! May 22, 2003 31,057 123 63 36 Philly Visit site Oct 1, 2009 #79 yeah that shit sounds way better than the last piece of crap.