Devin's official website

with macromedia flash sections or only standard html ???
Hey Carl tell me buddy...What about ocean machine
I read a recent Devy interview when he speaks about a new OM...
you know something???

Depending on what Tracy and Devin decide on, it may be both or just plain HTML. Considering the amount of content, and the amount of additions the site has, editing a pure-Flash site is a PITA. I might Flash up a few bits though.

As far as OM II goes - no comment. Not because I know anything, more because I know nothing! :grin:
OM II... hmmm...

Oh well, if it's more material expanding on Terria/Ocean Machine ideas, then even runors are enough to get excited about.

The great thing about Dev, is that he releases so much stuff. He is pretty much sticking to a record a year, and that's great. It takes one year to absorb terria anyway. =)
Need any help with the site Carlos? I can provide kitty pictures and call Mike from Meatlocker7 gay in a really monotonous voice.