Devolved - Technologies

dill_the_devil Music Editor
Devolved - Technologies
Casket Music - 2002
By Philip Whitehouse

Go to the Casket Music web site.

The Australian metal scene, while not exactly the most proliferent scene in the world (definitely falling behind Sweden, where every other person seems to be in a metal band of some description), when they do produce a band, they're normally worth taking notice of. Enter Devolved, stage right.

Sounding like Fear Factory on speed, and with critical thumbs-ups all over the place, Devolved seem well-poised to steal the crown of 'Antipodean Metal Kings'. From opening assault 'Distorted', Devolved set out their stall stylistically speaking and don't let up after that. The song structures are complex, sprawling affairs, and the music is brutal, hyperactive and uncompromising. Double-bass assaults and frenetic riffs are rife throughout, as are sudden time-signature jolts and furious riff-frenzies.

It can become something of an exhausting listen at times, with a deliberate effort required on the part of the listener to fully absorb and appreciate the complexities in the song-writing. But put the effort in, and the intelligence and ability of the musicians becomes increasingly apparent. Nuances like the brief respite of electronic ambience in 'Fallen Cities' and the reverbed, clean guitar melody in the closing to 'Distorted' become more apparent and enhance the album considerably.

Overall, this is the album that Sisthema wished they had made when they aborted 'The Fourth Discontinuity' onto our CD players. A fantastic, intelligent and capable band who I will definitely be looking out for in the future.
