DevolveD - Technologies


New Metal Member
DevolveD, pound for pound the best extreme/brewtal \m/etal band around today (other than the berzerker and various other aussie bands such as astriaal, destroyer 666, psychrist, etc). This album certainly opens with a punch in tha face the minute u press the play button. Talk about brewtality, this record will leave u with a visit to the ear doctor.....make no mistake. Any non-metal fans will be and will always be haunted with nightmares when come in EP is out now, second one coming out soon..............check all details at:

i rate this record 11/10
yes devolved are geniuses.

if anyone hasnt heard them yet, especially people out of Australia, you should go to any lengths to get this album.
voted best Australian metal album of the year (2001), it has recived rave reviews all over the net and in magazines.
Devolved are basically technical brutal death metal. like fear factory taken to the next level (but much heavier) mixed with a bit of messugah. the drumming is absolutley awesome, lots of tempo changes and brutal double bass and blast beats.
the lyrics are also great. they offer a look into the possible future of humanity, where compassion is lost through the quest for technological advancement. i like to spend time everynow and then reading the lyrics and just working them out.
but yes i give it a 9.5 out of ten. this is worth an 10 but i know they havent reached their peak yet judging by their recently released EP.
awesome songs - distorted, progress, second face, FALLEN CITIES!!!, adversive control
Vocals are like Meshuggah yeah... minimalistic sort of...

Riffage is all over the place... which is good...

And the drummer is hardcore... really feckin fast...

Devolved are so damn cool.......

Fallen Cities kicks so much ass...