Dezperadoz (Old Western Metal)

Dec 3, 2004
Arizona, USA
I've gotta pimp this album, The Legend and the Truth, thanks to carnut and the SoulSeek Weekend II! This is one of those hidden gems in my opinion. This is a definite top-10 album of 2006 for me, maybe even top five. What a fantastic spin on a metal and country fusion.

Be forewarned though, if you're not a fan of old country music and American Western films, this might not be your cup o' tea. But if you like old Hank Williams and Johnny Cash, classic western movie scores, and old school metal with a progressive twist, this could be your hidden gem.

It's a concept album based on Wyatt Earp and the shootout at the OK Corral. The songwriting is excellent and quite varied.

For those with hi speed internet, check out their player at:
I've gotta pimp this album, The Legend and the Truth, thanks to carnut and the SoulSeek Weekend II! This is one of those hidden gems in my opinion. This is a definite top-10 album of 2006 for me, maybe even top five. What a fantastic spin on a metal and country fusion.

Be forewarned though, if you're not a fan of old country music and American Western films, this might not be your cup o' tea. But if you like old Hank Williams and Johnny Cash, classic western movie scores, and old school metal with a progressive twist, this could be your hidden gem.

It's a concept album based on Wyatt Earp and the shootout at the OK Corral. The songwriting is excellent and quite varied.

For those with hi speed internet, check out their player at:

The album is also on its way to me! It rocks!! :rock:
Well, I gotta say that even if you're not into Country & Western stuff, it still is a CD with some damn good songs on it. I don't care a bit for country to be honoust, but this CD blends the Western stuff nice with some fierce power metal !!
I haven't really had a chance to try it out yet. I keep forgetting to download it to my player. :erk: I did like what I heard during the SS weekend though.

I'm in the process of re-ripping my CDs to a higher bit rate since I increased the size of the drive in it from 60 to 80 Gig. Thanks to DarkOne (Steve in Philly). That's kinda had me distracted.
Sounds a bit like The Coffinshakers type of music (although that's more goth/rockabilly/country), I will have to check them even if I'm not much a fan of country.
I have yet to listen to the new album, but the previous one (The Dawn of Dying) is one of my all-time faves in my CD collection. Awesome Western thrash, so catchy and original at the same time! :notworthy
Tom Angelripper from the mighty Sodom was singing on it but he's not in the band anymore.

From what I heard "The Legend and the Truth" is less thrashy and more melodic, I'll have to check by myself 'cause Alex Kraft is such a good songwriter.
I have yet to listen to the new album, but the previous one (The Dawn of Dying) is one of my all-time faves in my CD collection. Awesome Western thrash, so catchy and original at the same time! :notworthy

You have spawned my curiosity

Tom Angelripper from the mighty Sodom was singing on it but he's not in the band anymore.

You have cool down some of my enthusiasm :lol:
I was wondering about that first Dezperadoz album and what it might sound like. I'll have to check into it eventually, but Legend and the Truth will tide me over for awhile! I don't know what to think about the vocals on the first one, as I've never heard Sodom.

This Alex Craft fellow sure is an awesome songwriter if Legend and the Truth is any evidence.
Tom Angelripper has a much more rougher voice than Kraft, the first Desperados record has a definite thrash vibe that works very well, I've never heard another record like that! So I was quite disappointed when I learned that Tom would not sing on the follow-up...

The band was called Desperados (with an "s") at the time, it was pretty much advertised as a Kraft/Angelripper side project. They also sang a great duo on that record!
