DI Question


Feb 6, 2004
Northern VA
So I plugged my guitar into my audio interface so I could experiment with some amp sims.

I put switch Input 1 from Mic/Line to "Guitar" so it is Hi-Z. I have the preamp gain knob all the way to the left (i.e. minimum possible). If I turn my guitar volume knob up all the way, the signal on Input 1 goes into the red :erk:
I guess I pick pretty hard, but not the hardest in the world.

These are passive pickups too. Any idea why this is happening? I can keep the signal below the red if I lower my volume with the volume knob o the guitar, but I feel weird recording a DI with the volume being choked on the guitar.
Alesis io26

I tried the same on channel 2, and it does the same. Maybe my pickups are just very hot because I have them close to the strings.
Phantom power being on or off wouldn't help the level coming in. You are going to need to get an [url="http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/IMPpad20/]in-line pad[/url]. That one is 20dB, they also make one that is just 10dB of attenuation. All the way up to 40dB if you need it...though that is really extreme. They are all $20. You will also need to get an adapter for XLR->TS/TRS conversion in order to use the pad...or if you are good with wires then you can just make your own adapter.

Regardless of all that...it's nothing to do with your pickups man, I use an EMG-81 equipped EC-1000 all the time into both my MOTU 8Pre and Saffire Pro 26i/o without the need for a pad. The Alesis may be switchable +4/-10, that may be the culprit however I'm not knowledgeable on the Alesis stuff so maybe another ioXX user can help out here.

I tried switching it to -10. Made no difference. Still in the red when I have my guitar volume all the way up. I should mention, it's only when I pick hard.

I guess I can just get a DI and plug that in as a line input. Or get a PAD like you suggested. I was pleased that I had a DI built into my interface, but clipping is no good, even if I can't hear any clips.

The signal doesn't clip if I set the input on mic/line instead of "guitar," but then the impedance isn't as high. I dunno
So I DI-ed the guitarist for a band I recorded this weekend. No clipping on the DI like my guitar. Do I just pick harder? lol

Is perhaps my bridge pickup too high? My neck pickup does not overload the interface input
i dunno, man...that's a pretty nutty thing to have happen. even the hottest active pickups usually require 20-25db gain to get a decent level for DI recording. even having your pickups as close as possible to the string, you still shouldn't be coming in that hot...
So maybe the Alesis guitar switch was not designed well?

While my friends guitar didn't go into the red, it was still -6 dB with no preamp gain added.
What pickups are in your guitar and what are in his? This shouldn't matter really, more of just curiosity. It's retarded that it would record your friend perfectly but not you.

Well it didn't record him perfectly. His signal didn't clip like mine, but it was super hot with no preamp gain added. Mine is just 6 dB hotter.

My pickups are Duncan JB in bridge, '59 in neck. I'm not sure what he has tbh.

If I place a pedal between my guitar and the DI of the interface, I believe it will not clip.
i dunno, man...that's a pretty nutty thing to have happen. even the hottest active pickups usually require 20-25db gain to get a decent level for DI recording. even having your pickups as close as possible to the string, you still shouldn't be coming in that hot...
I disagree. Passive pickups give me around -15db at peaks (not so hot pickup), maybe less paf-like pickup. But with active electronics I get around -11-12db. But levels were measured direct to audio card.
Does your interface have it's own software mixer of some sort? I'm not familiar with alesis, but my MOTU card for example has CueMix where input channels etc can be controlled separately from the interface's hardware settings (ie. gain knob at 0 etc). So if you alesis has a similar program it should be possible to control input levels additionally here.
Don't go messing with your pickup height, whatever you do. I use the JB as well. Seymour Duncan says that optimum height for a bridge position pickup is around 5/16 of an inch from the 6th string, when depressing it at your highest fret. When the pickup is too low or too high, it throws off the magnetic balance. this can not only cause too much or too little gain, but can even cause string buzz and make the guitar sound out-of-tune by magnetically screwing up the intonation.
...And honestly, I'm not sure what you can try as far as fixing your clipping issue. A DI box should help. But, you should be able to attack the guitar fairly heavily and still have room to back off the input gain in order to get a clean signal. Good luck man.
I will measure the pickup height. The Alesis does have "mixer" software, but there is no way to control input level except by the preamp gain knob