DI Suitable for Passive Guitars?

Almost 200$, damn. Thanks, I'll keep an eye on ebay. Any other DI users (Everyone :lol:)want to pitch in on their DI and how it works with passives?
+1 on the countryman 85
i got a used, but in great condition countryman of about 110 USD of ebay, just keep looking!!

works great with passives hb, single coils, and with actives too..
Any active DI box. Radial DI boxes for example. With passive pickups you can have problems if you use a passive DI box like the RedEye (anyway I used my RedEye to record and reamp seymour duncan and emg in the same session, L and R, and there were no differences)
Any active DI box. Radial DI boxes for example. With passive pickups you can have problems if you use a passive DI box like the RedEye (anyway I used my RedEye to record and reamp seymour duncan and emg in the same session, L and R, and there were no differences)

So is the one I posted more than suitable?
Am I the only one that doesn't have issues running passives through a passive DI box? My Redeye handles passives fine.
Yeah, it's not a matter of having "issues", really, except for perhaps not quite as clear and dynamic a signal by a margin small enough that it would only be noticed when directly A/B'ed with the same guitar recorded through an Active DI (as I showed using the Dimebucker in my shootout some time ago). Still, those differences do manifest themselves in the re-amped tones, but it's not like re-amped DI's that were recorded with the Redeye will by any means sound "worse", just "not quite as awesome" (in other words, if you can't get a good tone with passive pups and a Redeye for both your DI/Re-amp duties, the Redeye isn't the problem ;))
And that above shootout also confirms that Countryman > All (and also, that I liked the J48 the least)
My problem more than probably has to do with my 30$ DI. I want the active just in case.