I saw somewhere that Joey uses a Countryman Type 85 for his guitar/bass tracking. I'm just wondering.... does it really make that much of a difference rather than just going direct in his RME?

Anyone have experience with this?

I have an Apogee Ensemble and I will sometimes track DI into this....but if people honestly feel that the Countryman will make an audible difference then maybe it's worth buying one and and trying it out.
Thanks ahjteam. I did a search but I didnt use the right search words.

So it seems that it helps with the noise and since the Countryman has the ground switch I'm assuming you can eliminate that annoying hum you get with one of those settings.

Got it. Thanks. You can delete this entire post if you want. haha

and yeah, Im definitely gonna get ahold of sweetwater and et one to try myself. But it makes total sense. i didnt think about the ground switch and the noise. I'm an idiot.