Diablo III player dies after 40 hour session

Night Reaper

ooo the reaper wants more
Oct 6, 2006
New Brunswick, Canada
Sad news coming out of Taiwan today, as a teenager has died after playing Diablo III for 40 hours straight without any food. 18-year-old Chuang booked a private room at an internet cafe on Friday, July 13 and played Diablo III all the way through until Sunday, July 15, when he was discovered slumped over his desk by an internet cafe employee. Initially, Chuang appeared to be fine – only tired – but after getting up and walking a few steps, he collapsed and was rushed to the hospital, where he later passed away.

Hours-long gaming marathons are nothing new to players (we’re all guilty of them after all), but lately we’ve been hearing more and more about these extremely long gaming sessions that end with the player dying. The actual cause of death isn’t known, but authorities are guessing that remaining in a sitting position for so many hours straight might have caused some cardiovascular problems. It’s also possible that Chuang suffered from some unknown medical condition, which could have been aggravated by his 40 hour long gaming binge. The truth is, we won’t know what killed Chuang until the autopsy – which is underway now – has been completed.

Diablo III developer Blizzard issued a statement earlier today, sending out its thoughts to Chuang’s family and urging players to exercise moderation while enjoying their favorite games. “While we recognise that it’s ultimately up to each individual or their parent or guardian to determine playing habits,” Blizzard says, “we feel that moderation is clearly important, and that a person’s day-to-day life should take precedence over any form of entertainment.”

Saw that one on the news as well... Funny that, at least the norwegian journalists, put weight on that it sure as hell was the game who killed him. Not that he maybe haven't eaten or had a drink in 40 hours, or any other kind of reason :p
lol, the water, showering, and banging yes. That too.

Interacting with others? Eh. Eh.... Can only take so much of people. I belong in an igloo somewhere ice fishing. Only with wifi.
lol, the water, showering, and banging yes. That too.

Interacting with others? Eh. Eh.... Can only take so much of people. I belong in an igloo somewhere ice fishing. Only with wifi.
Igloo with WiFi! I want one! And ice fishing (I'm serious). I love ice fishing. Been ages since last time :(

And banging.

Banging polar bears.
Dude... Eskimos!

Listen Grind/Death gore 40 hrs and die..
I would've probably died. Even with food, drinks and banging...