Diablo swing orchestra (metal/swing/I dont even know)


Jan 18, 2010
Ye Olde England
Anyone ever heard of these guys before? My friend showed me them earlier, and whilst I was a bit meh at first I've now come to the conclusion that they are pretty sick. Just thought I would share for those who haven't heard of them before

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I became aware of these guys last year after hearing the Butcher's Ballroom album. They're kinda like operatic swing metal... or something.. :loco:

Some of their stuff is kinda cool, me thinks. Interesting blend of genres...
I got their debut "The Butcher's Ballroom", which I really liked, but kinda lost interest since then. Their new stuff just didn't grab me from what I heard of it.

Also I just recently stumbled upon the Devin Townsend track "Bad Devil" (which he played two days ago in Hamburg... too awesome!), and that song sounds like the blueprint for the whole Diablo Swing Orchestra sound - minus operatic vocals, of course. But whatever, it's good music.