Diablo...the best band you've never heard of?


Dyslexics Untie!
May 24, 2002
Rocklin, CA
Just discovered these guys from a poster in the Testament Legions forum. I'm so impressed by their sound. They combine technical elements consistent with bands like Meshuggah and Strapping Young Lad, as well as classic thrash and death metal. I imagine the melodic keyboards are to be expected as this act hails from Finland. Just the same, this is not another Norther, Kalmah, CoB type of band. They are 100% unique IMHO. Check out thier album "Eternium" and lemme know what you think.
This band kicks serious ass!
I've known them for half a year or so, and finally got Eternium last week. I kinda disagree to those comparsions you make there though. I'd say they have an almost nu-ish sound to them here and there, but it's aggressive as fuck, and they use a lot of lead guitars in a non-Nintendo way. Definately worth checking out!
Every kid knows Diablo here in Finland. Well, many kids.

Yeah, Diablo rocks. Nothing like very very good, but theyre pretty good.
Diablo is pretty good! I have only the first two albums Elegance In Black and Renaissance. They have some great moments in those two albums like Core of Lies, Icon of Flesh, Tunnel of Pain and Triumph of Misery which is telling bluntly about Finnish identity. Fuck! That song should become a new national anthem of Finland.
do they have an official site?
(dont tell me to look that shit up, the keyword is "diablo" after all; you know thatll be a bitch)
Astral_Dominion said:
Diablo is pretty good! I have only the first two albums Elegance In Black and Renaissance. They have some great moments in those two albums like Core of Lies, Icon of Flesh, Tunnel of Pain and Triumph of Misery which is telling bluntly about Finnish identity. Fuck! That song should become a new national anthem of Finland.

are all of their song titles "_____ of _____" ?
Perdition's_Light said:
are all of their song titles "_____ of _____" ?

Heh! Well, when writing that post I was wondering it too. Yeah, they have quite a few songs titled by using the of-structure. It actually sounds pretty stupid when half of the songs are titled "something of something". Well, anyway the music is good so it really doesn't matter.

The website is http://www.diablo1.net
I'm glad to know they are well received in their homeland. I'm just trying to spread the word here in the US. LOL. Anyways I hate comparing good bands to others. Besides the fact that I'm bad at it, first time listeners will always have a preconception of their sound. People will be let down more often than not. Then again, if you don't compare them to another band or lump them into a genre people will inevitably ask "Who do they sound like?" or "What kind of music is it?".

BTW...if you're judging this band solely based upon their earlier releases, you might wanna check out their '04 release "Eternium" and their '02 release "Renaissance".
Thanks Hatebreed. I'm dying for some new Darkane more than anything else right now...err well besides the new Testament album. Here's the latest news update from Darkane's website posted on 5/9/04...

Congratulations to Peter Wildoer who turns 30 today! We are also very happy to announce that 8 months of rest finally brought Peters wrists where we all want them. In great shape!

Darkane played a show in Ängelholm a month ago and the show went very well. During the show Speed Stridh from Soilwork entered the stage to join Andreas on the vocals to Convicted.

Right now Darkane are rehearsing and learning the last songs on the new album which will be recorded starting October 1st... finally!

Darkane are also scheduled to play this years Aalborg metal fest in Denmark. More news about that later.