DIABOLIC - Infinity Through Purification
1. From The Astral Plane... Entwined With Infinity
2. Spiritual Transition
3. Satanic Barbarism
4. Internal mental Cannibalism
5. Procession Of The Soul Grinders
6. Exsanguinated Life
7. Descending Through Portals of Misery
8. Enter The Maelstrom
Label: Olympic/Century Media
Release date: 2003
Artist site: http://www.diabolicblastmasters.com/
I've seen DIABOLIC live numerous times and it was always an irritating experience. Their drummer couldn't keep time worth a shit; from what I hear, due to his insisting upon smoking a quarter bag of weed before going on stage. In fact, the only thing I ever liked about this band was their guitar solos!
So, it is with great pleasure that I report he is no longer in the band and as a result, the music has improved tenfold. Infinity Through Purification is the album I have been waiting for this band to release. Both technical and brutal, this release sees DIABOLIC rightfully comparable to MORBID ANGEL, as the material within should light a fire under the ass of any whom put their ears to it. Eight solid tracks of death metal, no filler, the way it should be.
The first track starts with a killer riff before blasting KRISIUN style and the vocalist's high pitched screams remind me of "Corpsegrinder" from CANNIBAL CORPSE, only more sinister. As brutal as this is, there's a lot of melody floating about and it's a good thang. I'm anxious to here this song live! "Spiritual Transition" keeps the pace, while throwing a few twists and curveballs at the listener. There's a pretty cool solo on this one, too. By the time "Satanic Barbarism" begins, these boys are locked in. A well oiled machine DIABOLIC has become.
Track 4, "Internal Mental Cannibalism," is my favorite cut from beginning to end. This beast of a song grinds, blasts, pummels, slows and takes you to hell and back, all within the course of five minutes and forty one seconds. "Procession Of The Soul Grinders" showcases guitarists Brian Malone and Eric Hersemann in all of their glory. Sounding like a march to battle, the solo sections of this song are incredible.
"Descending Through Portals Of Misery" starts off with a doomy, dirgelike riff, switches to a mid-tempo then back again, very effective. And yes, MORE solos!!! I really like how they lead the song out as it fades and then "Enter The Maelstrom" follows, just balls-out blasting. DIABOLIC have done more than hit the nail on the head, I think they've damn near destroyed it!
Two big P-H-A-T thumbs up!

1. From The Astral Plane... Entwined With Infinity
2. Spiritual Transition
3. Satanic Barbarism
4. Internal mental Cannibalism
5. Procession Of The Soul Grinders
6. Exsanguinated Life
7. Descending Through Portals of Misery
8. Enter The Maelstrom
Label: Olympic/Century Media
Release date: 2003
Artist site: http://www.diabolicblastmasters.com/
I've seen DIABOLIC live numerous times and it was always an irritating experience. Their drummer couldn't keep time worth a shit; from what I hear, due to his insisting upon smoking a quarter bag of weed before going on stage. In fact, the only thing I ever liked about this band was their guitar solos!
So, it is with great pleasure that I report he is no longer in the band and as a result, the music has improved tenfold. Infinity Through Purification is the album I have been waiting for this band to release. Both technical and brutal, this release sees DIABOLIC rightfully comparable to MORBID ANGEL, as the material within should light a fire under the ass of any whom put their ears to it. Eight solid tracks of death metal, no filler, the way it should be.
The first track starts with a killer riff before blasting KRISIUN style and the vocalist's high pitched screams remind me of "Corpsegrinder" from CANNIBAL CORPSE, only more sinister. As brutal as this is, there's a lot of melody floating about and it's a good thang. I'm anxious to here this song live! "Spiritual Transition" keeps the pace, while throwing a few twists and curveballs at the listener. There's a pretty cool solo on this one, too. By the time "Satanic Barbarism" begins, these boys are locked in. A well oiled machine DIABOLIC has become.
Track 4, "Internal Mental Cannibalism," is my favorite cut from beginning to end. This beast of a song grinds, blasts, pummels, slows and takes you to hell and back, all within the course of five minutes and forty one seconds. "Procession Of The Soul Grinders" showcases guitarists Brian Malone and Eric Hersemann in all of their glory. Sounding like a march to battle, the solo sections of this song are incredible.
"Descending Through Portals Of Misery" starts off with a doomy, dirgelike riff, switches to a mid-tempo then back again, very effective. And yes, MORE solos!!! I really like how they lead the song out as it fades and then "Enter The Maelstrom" follows, just balls-out blasting. DIABOLIC have done more than hit the nail on the head, I think they've damn near destroyed it!
Two big P-H-A-T thumbs up!