Our website is undergoing a complete overhaul. Check out the progress at www.diabolicpossession.com
MP3s are back up on the website!!!
Tuesday Feb. 10th Ranch Bowl 1600 S 72nd St Omaha Nebraska
Six Feet Under
Full Blown Chaos
Diabolic Possession
March ? (date and venue unconfirmed) Omaha Nebraska
Ares Kingdom (featuring ex members of Order From Chaos. Pete Helmkamp from O.F.C. later formed Angelcorpse!) http://www.ares-kingdom.com/
Diabolic Possession
more TBA
Thursday April 22nd (venue unconfirmed) Omaha Nebraska
Meredine Atomiche (Italy)
Voodoo Temple (CA)
Diabolic Possession
more TBA
Friday April 23rd Minneapolis Minneapolis Mayhem Metalfest
Morbid Angel
Premonitions Of War
Into Eternity
Seven Witches
Novembers Doom
Diabolic Possession
Twelfth Gate
Avenger Of Blood
Merendine Atomiche (Italy)
Voodoo Temple
Cold Colours
God Awful
Eden's Fall
Bio Genesis
and more.
Sunday April 25th Duluth Minnesota
more info TBA
Saturday May 15th Sokol Hall (upstairs) 13th & Martha Omaha Nebraska
Omaha Metalfest II http://www.armyofinbetween.com/omaha_metalfest/
Anal Blast - Minneapolis MN- Porno Grind http://www.violatedrot.com/analblast/
Cellador - Omaha NE - Power Metal http://www.cellador.com/
Decaying Alive - Gretna NE - NU
Delirium - Sioux Falls SD - Death http://delirium.dustyjohnson.com/main.php
Diabolic Possession - Omaha NE - Dark Death http://www.diabolicpossession.com/
Dirtfedd - Lincoln NE - NU http://www.dirtfedd.com/
Enraged - Ventura CA - Thrash http://www.jcmrecords.com/enraged/
Epicurean - Minneapolis MN - Black http://www.epicureanmetal.com/
Facecage - Des Moines IA - NU http://www.facecage.com/
God Awful - Minneapolis MN - Thrash http://www.rootofallevil.com
Gravestorm - Omaha NE - Black http://www.freewebs.com/cvlt/entrance.html
Hollowed - Omaha NE - Black http://www.iamhollowed.com/
Killpact - Des Moines IA - NU http://www.killpact.com
Only - Des Moines IA - http://www.theonlyband.com/
Pain Theory - Lincoln NE - http://www.paintheorymusic.com/
Sepulcro - Omaha NE - Gore Grind (our road crew!)
Truth In Ruin - Omaha NE - Black/Death http://www.truthinruin.com/
Unknown Remains Found At The Scene - Omaha NE - Grind
Violent Impact - Des Moines IA - NU http://www.violentimpact.com/
more TBA
Diabolic Possession will be releasing a new EP in the near future! It is titled "Dark Seraphim". It will feature the songs Sarcophagus, Fall Of The Rebel Angels, Second Coming, and Order Of Deception. It will also contain the classic 1993 "Ripped To Pieces" EP (Ripped To Pieces, Reign Of Terror, Cranial Miasis, and From The Gates Of Hell) as a bonus! It will probably be released by Still Dead Productions from Poland. http://www.stilldead.com
Diabolic Possession is currently writing and rehearsing new material for a new full-length album "Fall Of The Rebel Angels".
Lot's of new merchandise is in the works!
Full-color, two-sided "Dark Serephim" t-shirts, long sleeves w/printed sleeves, and hoodies w/printed sleeves.
Full-color, two-sided "Ripped To Pieces" tape cover t-shirts, long sleeves w/printed sleeves, and hoodies w/printed sleeves.
New Black shirts with White print.
Plus posters, stickers, and buttons.
Please link http://www.diabolicpossession.com to your website!
Check http://www.diabolicpossession.com for more info on Diabolic Possession.