Diamond Head Dates in March


Goddess of Metal
May 23, 2005
Some amazing news for all the Diamond Head fans on here (are there any apart from myself and Emperor Valanx:lol: :lol: )

Two dates in England for you and even if you're not much of a fan or haven't heard much of thier stuff, it doesn't matter, just go along and check them out, they are sensational live and you will not regret it. I'm almost wetting myself in anticipation just waiting for them to announce a Glasgow date. Oh hey wouldn't that be totally sendational - Saxon with Diamond Head as support. MAKE IT HAPPEN SAXON PLEASE!!!!! I think if that happened I would spontaneously combust!!!!!!

Diamond Head have announced two more dates in March.

March 4th - The Roadhouse, Stirchley, Birmingham - Tel 0121 624 2920. Tickets £10.00

March 11th - Marrs Bar, Worcester - Tel: 01905 613336. Tickets £12.00
Would'nt ya know! Im very very busy on all those days.... ah well!
I'm bitterly disappointed in you Valanx. Cancel your plans immediately and get that nice arse of yours right in front of the barrier at the Diamond Head gig. And why oh why do you always persist in trying to fool us into thinking you don't like the mindblowing DiamondHead - it's nothing to be ashamed of, we all know you're their second biggest fan. I'll even let you borrow my newDiamondHead tshirt for the gig, you'd definitely turn a few heads wearing that - its a lovely black strappy number with the DH logo in red. Beautiful so it is - you'd look ultra hot in it Valanx hehe.
WILKS said:
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
Some amazing news for all the Diamond Head fans on here (are there any apart from myself and Emperor Valanx:lol: :lol:


Excellent stuff Wilks, you too have such superior taste in music:headbang: . My goodness at the last count there must be at least 7 Diamond Head fans on here which is brill. I'll not be able to make it to see them at the dates in England - is anyone here going to be able to go along and see them??.
Unfortunately I can't make either. Seeing Iron-on Maiden on 4th (not usually into tribute bands - but they are good and do a great Ancient Mariner !!) and Jethro Tull on 11th (not quite metal I know!!).

Marrs Bar seems a tiny gig for Diamond Head !! Been there several times and, with all the tables and candles, I kept expecting Shirely Bassey to appear on stage ! See if they can move the tables etc !!! Two great real ale pubs nearby as well !!
Cheers, Goss.
I like the sound of that Marrs Bar Goss, a wee venue with tables with candles on them, that sounds a brilliant venue to see Diamond Head in. First time I saw Diamond Head it was in the Bungalow Bar just about a mile from my house - it's a wee tiny venue as well and it had about 4 small tables right in front of the stage, and they never ever removed them. I was sitting at one of those tables right in front of Sean Harris - wow it was amazing. Diamond Head were on fire that night and that was my favourite ever Diamond Head concert. After the concert, Diamond Head were standing signing singles and the album and I bought the Shoot out the Lights single and the White Album there. Still got them and that White Album can fetch quite a bit on ebay but of course I would never sell my copy.

Last summer Diamond Head played at King Tuts. How magnificent would that have been to see them there but I couldn't make it cos I was away on holiday at the time. I very nearly cancelled it cos I was gagging to see DH again and I would have loved to see them in Tuts and in fact the actual night of the concert I would very nearly suicidal at the thought of them playing in Glasgow and I wasn't there to see it. Still, I'm pretty sure they'll come back to King Tuts, I keep checking Diamond Head's site for Glasgow dates but they're none announced so far.
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
I'm bitterly disappointed in you Valanx. Cancel your plans immediately and get that nice arse of yours right in front of the barrier at the Diamond Head gig. And why oh why do you always persist in trying to fool us into thinking you don't like the mindblowing DiamondHead - it's nothing to be ashamed of, we all know you're their second biggest fan. I'll even let you borrow my newDiamondHead tshirt for the gig, you'd definitely turn a few heads wearing that - its a lovely black strappy number with the DH logo in red. Beautiful so it is - you'd look ultra hot in it Valanx hehe.

Yeah, i have one of those fine t-shirts you describe, cleans the windows very nicely! Well i tried to cancel those plans i havent made yet and i just seems unlikely that i will be able to make it to the gig, because i suffer from narcolepsy and the doctor said that this combined with watching a band boring enough to put anyone in a coma forever could be very dangerous....
When's your birthday Emperor Valanx cos I've just spotted the most awesome tshirt of all time and its got your name on it. All those hot rockchicks that keep eyeing you up in Asda will be like flies round shite when you strut your stuff in Asda wearing this fine specimen:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Cock rockin or what hehehehehe!!!! I'll give you it when I see you at the Saxon gig(ooooeeeeerrrr)!!
Somehow couldnt see myself wearing that and certainly not infront of all the girls in asda! perhaps this one is more suited to you....



EarthSkynSea said:
DH, hit N. America, we love ya over here

Awesome Earth, you have such delicious taste in music.

Here's the latest news on their new DVD:-

February 14th 2006
Diamond Head and Secret Records are now in the process of putting the final touches to their live DVD filmed at the Astoria in 2005, a date for release will be announced soon.
The band and Secret Records are very excited with the interest the DVD has created and are sure that their fans will not be disappointed.
In between touring Europe and the UK Diamond Head are currently writing their next album and are planning to be back in the studio towards the end of the year.

Canny wait to get my mitts on that beauty:D
valanx said:

Ah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!

I very nearly fell off my chair when I read that Emperor Valanx.

But listen, any more of your Diamond Head cheek and I'll f*ckin suck you ya wee shite !!!! Oh hang on I better take that back cos it sounds a bit pervy hehehehe!!!!!!!
Yeah saying you will fuckin suck me is not exactly the biggest threat i have ever had, then again, coming from you it really does scare me!!!

While quite predictable of me i thought you may enjoy this other T-shirt which sums up the DH even better than the last one!
