Diamond Plate gets new vocalist / bass player


Sep 30, 2005
Looks like Chicago thrashers have a new vocalist / bass player. Didnt know that the other guy left the band. Will be curious to see how this all pans out. THese guys did tons of touring last year so I am sure that had something to do with it.
Can't wait til they announce Chris Black, so then we can hear you talk about how you were always a raging DP fan....

(sorry Bobby, I had to).

Who creamed their pants first on Saturday night?
You or Jake?
Can't wait til they announce Chris Black, so then we can hear you talk about how you were always a raging DP fan....

(sorry Bobby, I had to).

Who creamed their pants first on Saturday night?
You or Jake?

you really need to get over it. Oh wait....did you get to talk to Paul from Novembers Doom on facebook????? we are all excited to hear what he has to say. Sounds like someone is bitter and jealous and will be playing the same time as Hour of 13 now.

I never said I was a raging fan of DP. they are good and deserve all the stuff they have gotten since they work for it.
Sorry. I recall the one Alehorn where I came after they played and you couldn't stop talking about how painful Superchrist were.
That changed quickly once you became pals with Chris.
Let's face it. It's not a band you would give the time of day, given the style they play, if Black weren't in it.

Just calling you out on it. And no, I don't care that you mock doom.
I was just calling out something just as silly as me mocking your love for Professor Black.

Once again, all good fun.
Sorry. I recall the one Alehorn where I came after they played and you couldn't stop talking about how painful Superchrist were.
That changed quickly once you became pals with Chris.
Let's face it. It's not a band you would give the time of day, given the style they play, if Black weren't in it.

Just calling you out on it. And no, I don't care that you mock doom.
I was just calling out something just as silly as me mocking your love for Professor Black.

Once again, all good fun.

No, that show they were not very good. I even left early the second time I saw them with Deceased. I was freinds with Chris way before seeing them actually. he worked at Haven. Superchrist won me over at thier Reggies show. I am more of a fan of the newer stuff than the old.
I don't give a shit. This is one band I've seen numerous times on tours and each time, I just find them to be bland.

They used to be good before they signed to Earache and sold out. Back when they used to play Doug's back in Aurora those were the times, when they opened for Bonded, Exmortus, and Rattlehead. Then Earache came along and their sound was no longer thrash, it was "thrash" as they say.

The great Diamond Plate have confirmed the addition of MATT ARES to the band as their new vocalist and bassist, following the departure of former frontman JON MACAK. Not only that, but the band has started working on the follow-up to their 2011 debut album, “GENERATION WHY?,” and the new album due to be released in 2013! HELL YES! Diamond Plate quickly became a favorite of mine in the past two years, so I’m stoked to hear the new stuff with the new vocalist!

Here’s the band’s statement on the new changes: “Over the past few months we have been writing and demoing songs for the next album. During that time, we felt that the chemistry between Jon and the rest of the band wasn’t as strong as it needed to be. We decided to move on, and find someone that shared the same passion to create the music that we’ve always wanted to make. We wish Jon all the best, and we want to thank him for being a part of this band. We are extremely excited to announce and welcome Matt Ares into the band as vocalist and bassist. Matt has really been a breath of fresh air for us, and in the first two weeks of jamming with him we were able to create an entirely new batch of songs and finish demoing the second album. Matt’s voice and playing add new dimensions to our sound, and we can’t wait for everyone to hear the band now. Thanks for always supporting, and keep your ears open for a new Diamond Plate record in 2013.”

I saw them open for Testament in March at Austin's and I absolutely loved them. Seeing a bunch of younger kids playing thrash and having fun doing it was awesome. Those guys had their hair flying, and they were the perfect local band to have as direct support for Testament.

Not sure how I feel about the change - I loved the singer's stage presence and performance.
Anyone who says Generation Why? or the songs from that album or them live in the past 2.5ish years are good, dont know what they missed out on. Heres the 2 versions of At the Mountains of Madness. The first being the original version which was very thrash.

This version from Generation Why is obviously different, slower, and lost any and all energy it once had. I remember the live change, used to be my favorite pit song and then i was like what the fuck is this...and they did this with everything. They slowed it all down for some odd reason. I wonder what Earache told them....
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Sorry Mike, but I really don't get at all what your beef is with them.
Seems like it might be personal.

They always have seemed to be the same exact band since they started, to me anyways.

Furthermore, your complaints are completely irrelevant, considering your pissing and moaning pales in comparison to their tours in the US with bands like Overkill and tours in Europe with ANTHRAX.
my beef with them is how their sound changed from before they were signed and then after they were signed. Are you really saying there is no difference between the Relativity EP and Generation Why?? Their is a clear cut change, and not just in production. You can completely tell the difference in the 2 versions of At the Mountains of Madness. I remember first hearing GW? and couldn't even finish that album, it was just terrible. Go back to the early days before Earache and everything was completely different with this band they never had a stupid slogan "Why so heavy?" What the fuck does that even mean?? Earache changed this band from the band i knew and supported from when they started.

I dont care who they toured with, that means nothing to me. Blackguard tours with the thrash bands everyweek, does that make them good or a quality thrash act? I think not.

And i do have a slight personal beef with them because when everyone was praising their amazing album from this band no one had ever heard of before, there was me and several other chicago kids going what the fuck is this shit? And when i gave them my review of the album they decided to remove me off their facebook page, and completely not acknowledge me. Sorry you guys can't take criticism and only want praise, learn to deal with it.

Needless to say I wont be buying their 2013 album.
I get your point, but if you were in their shoes and got signed by EARACHE you would do whatever the f*ck the producer assigned to you advised you to do.

Its not like the band themselves paid for the recording or production of their full length.
Sure, the songs are theirs, but I am sure they took a lot of advice from others.

Any band would. Its not like they went disco.

Yeah, that's pretty lame if you were removed from their page for giving an honest review.

My point was simply that they are doing pretty darn good, regardless.