Diamond Plate gets new vocalist / bass player

Mike....there was more than a few kids who were listening to them "back in the day". Jason and I saw them at Powerfest when they played. Before that Mark from Metal Haven was always pushing them. So it isnt like they were some inner circle secret. I do get your beef but bands do evolve. I guess you will always have "Smash Potater"

this book is actually pretty rad
my beef with them is how their sound changed from before they were signed and then after they were signed. Are you really saying there is no difference between the Relativity EP and Generation Why?? Their is a clear cut change, and not just in production. You can completely tell the difference in the 2 versions of At the Mountains of Madness. I remember first hearing GW? and couldn't even finish that album, it was just terrible. Go back to the early days before Earache and everything was completely different with this band they never had a stupid slogan "Why so heavy?" What the fuck does that even mean?? Earache changed this band from the band i knew and supported from when they started.

I dont care who they toured with, that means nothing to me. Blackguard tours with the thrash bands everyweek, does that make them good or a quality thrash act? I think not.

And i do have a slight personal beef with them because when everyone was praising their amazing album from this band no one had ever heard of before, there was me and several other chicago kids going what the fuck is this shit? And when i gave them my review of the album they decided to remove me off their facebook page, and completely not acknowledge me. Sorry you guys can't take criticism and only want praise, learn to deal with it.

Needless to say I wont be buying their 2013 album.

I personally think the Generation Why version is better. So what if they slowed the song down a bit? The original version is just a mess of riffs mashed together with no memorable sound. Maybe it has some insane frenetic energy, but that's it. Slowing it down gives the riifs some breathing room. Plus, I think playing it a touch slower shows a lot more control, precision and maturity than just a blur of noise. That demo-ish version sounds like a high school garage band, which is what they essentially were. The album version sounds much more polished, like a real band.

As for them deleting you from their Facebook page, why would a band want negative information spewed on their own personal website when they're trying to promote their product? Plenty of bands try to prevent that from appearing on THEIR site. If someone came over to your house to tell you that they think your lawn sucks, wouldn't you tell them to go fuck off?