Diamond Rexx - Land of the Damned

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
Diamond Rexx - Land of the Damned
Crash Music - CMU 61199 - April 3, 2007
By Ryan Starr


When I saw this album on the review list, I couldn’t help myself. There is something about Glam bands trying to relive the glory days that brings a smile to my face. That’s right; Diamond Rexx is trying yet again to gain mainstream popularity. Along with putting out some new material since their 2001 reunion, they have re-released their debut album Land of the Damned.

This album symbolizes everything 80’s; those classic Glam riffs, crude sexual lyrics, and dreams of making it big. Well, unfortunately not every one made it, and it’s no surprise to me why Diamond Rexx didn’t make it. The music, while indicative of the era, lacks quality. It’s just that simple. The singer, Nasti Habits, needed some vocal lessons badly. It seems like he tried to cover up his lack of pitch and control by intentionally trying to sound bad and dirty. If you can’t sing, don’t hide it, make it your trademark! But even his attempt at that failed. The vocals aren’t the only problem though. The guitar riffs are just like what Motley Crue would write, but simplified (which I didn’t think was possible), making the music just plain boring. The only redeeming factor of this effort is the bass playing. Andre, the bassist, has a good ear for harmony and adds a bit of spice to the music. If anyone had a real shot at a music career, it was him.

This debut was an obvious attempt to cash in on the Hair Metal Fad. They didn’t even try to hide it, with an entire song devoted to dreams of living the good life (’Wish I Was Rich’). But this album failed on almost every front. Sorry guys, you gave it a shot, but now its time to move on.

Oh, and one last thing. If you visit their website, get ready to hear a terrible cover of the Motorhead classic 'Ace of Spades'. It's on the front page.

Official Diamond Rexx Website
Official Crash Music Website