Di'anno could have easily saved Maiden.

John Silver

Jul 21, 2002
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He sounded great in 95. Listen to this


Maiden's legacy would have been left untarnished by the unfathomable horror that was unleashed by Blaze.

I've also got this album. :lol:


He's good on it too.
I dunno about that. I don't think he would have been a very good fit personality wise. Have you read his autobiography? He comes off as a right old arrogant prick who's more interested in the whole "rockstar" thing than actually making the music.

However, I do agree he's got a great voice, even better than it was in Maiden. I've got:

Di'anno - Nomad
Killers - New, Live and Rare
Killers - Live at the Whiskey
Paul Di'anno - The Beast - Live
Paul Di'anno - Beyond the Maiden
and something from Battlezone on MP3

And on all of them, with the notable exception of "Beyond the Maiden" he's awesome, and really gives the old Maiden stuff a kick up the arse, something that I sometimes wish Maiden would do.

He's also got a live DVD comming out next month. I'm gonna get that as well, if I can ever find it in Australia. I'll probably have to get it imported.
phlogiston said:
I dunno about that. I don't think he would have been a very good fit personality wise. Have you read his autobiography? He comes off as a right old arrogant prick who's more interested in the whole "rockstar" thing than actually making the music.

I don't care about that. Blaze being a nice guy didn't help Maiden's career.
Blaze is the worst singer ever. X Factor and Virtual X1 might have been okay if Bruce had sung on them. Di'Anno is just a dick though, the band couldn't go back 15 years and get him to rejoin, much as I agree he'd have been better than Blaze. Fuckin hell, Mickey Mouse has more range in his voice than Blaze. :puke:
Yeah agreement at last! I cant understand how Steve thought Blaze could replace a guy who's nickname is "The air raid siren" with Blaze. Blaze has a shitty monotonous, droning voice. Did he ever scream on a Maiden song? Or even change the pitch of his voice? He "sings" like he's falling asleep.
BTW You never answered my post about you being a fanboy. I wasn't calling YOU a fanboy, I was talking about the people on the official Maiden board who went mad cos I said Blodd Brothers is "a bit shit".
TakinTheMusicBack said:
BTW You never answered my post about you being a fanboy. I wasn't calling YOU a fanboy, I was talking about the people on the official Maiden board who went mad cos I said Blodd Brothers is "a bit shit".

Well I see that. Since you did say "John Silver likes Blood Brothers" in an earlier post, I thought liking the song made a fan boy too.
Blaze rocks. You people realize that BNW only charted one place higher then X-Factor, and we're supposed to be in a heavy metal revival now? Blaze added something both creatively and with his vocal performace - gave Maiden a new direction which I personally really liked. Blaze's voice actually makes the band far more accessible - believe it or not Bruce's "Air Raid Siren" singing style is quite an acquired taste. Plenty of people I have introduced to Maiden didn't really like Bruce's voice at first, then you play a Blaze-era song and they are like "I like this guy better".
Rainking said:
Blaze added something both creatively and with his vocal performace - gave Maiden a new direction which I personally really liked.

I wonder if that had anything to do with Blaze? I'm think that was just the band progressing, Blaze just sang.
Blaze's solo stuff shows that he can seriously sing.

Dunno why he didn't try that with 'Maiden (joking).

I left listening to music for a few years, saw Virtual XI, and bought it....played it.....nearly died.

Then later obtained X Factor, and was much more happy.
Rainking said:
. Bruce's "Air Raid Siren" singing style is quite an acquired taste. Plenty of people I have introduced to Maiden didn't really like Bruce's voice at first, then you play a Blaze-era song and they are like "I like this guy better".

:lol: Blaze is BETTER than Bruce?!! :lol: Seriously, have you heard Blaze sing? :lol:
John Silver said:
I wonder if that had anything to do with Blaze? I'm think that was just the band progressing, Blaze just sang.

No he didn't - he had a very valid input on the music and lyrics. Just listen to Blaze's solo stuff to see how creative and talented he is.