Di'Anno is a douchebag


Maiden fan since I was 9
Jul 31, 2004
Washington, USA
I haven't said it in a while, so I thought I'd bring it up again. Di'Anno is a douche. All he does is live off of his Maiden years by putting out crap music and doing tours where half the songs are his Maiden years stuff. Plus, he doesn't have the balls to sing a Dickinson or Blaze song (the fact he doesn't have the balls to do a Blaze song is laughable) on Iron Maiden tribute cds he's done. Come on! If an original singer is going to do several songs on a tribute to his old band, the least the fat fuck can do is sing a song that wasn't his to prove his talent. Paul is a worthless, talentless (nowadays), money-grubbing opportunist. :yuk:
Unfortunately, that's all he ever did. The only thing he ever did that was cool was do those two albums. If he had put out some more quality stuff with his own group, he would still rock. Problem is, the stuff his group puts out sucks. His only claim to fame is that he was on two Maiden albums from back in the early 80's. He's done nothing of note since.
You've done more I suppose? How the fuck can you slate the guy when he sang on two of the best albums ever? He might be an arsehole (I'm certain he IS), but to say the ONLY cool thing he ever did was "those two albums" is just laughable. When YOU put your talent on two groundbreaking classic albums please let me know.