Dick Sirloin's very own Unida thread

The perfect title for this thread would have been "Unida some Unida, jank!"

Downloading NOW.
Haha, the opening riff sound like the sountrack to a B-movie when the badass biker dude first shows up.

The vocals rule. They sound like a cross between the guy for Acid Bath and Chris Robinson.

Yes! Guitar solo! It's still going!

This sort of reminds me of The Cult (and I mean that in a good way). Are the rest of their songs in a similar vein?
oh man i need to make you a NADMIX CD-R if not.

John Garcia would = god if god in fact existed.
god did exist, but Chuck Norris killed him with a roundhouse kick to the throat, sending his vocal chords flying down to an earthly womb containing the fetus of John Garcia
Isn't he the Kyuss guy?

I've heard "And the Circus Leaves Town," but it never quite turned me on in the gay way. Not yet, anyway.
Dick Sirloin said:
Isn't he the Kyuss guy?

I've heard "And the Circus Leaves Town," but it never quite turned me on in the gay way. Not yet, anyway.

and rightly so, since that album sucks
Nate The Great said:

Dork Sickloin, i shall make you a John Garcia compilation. and it shall make you gay, in the gay way.
John Garcia is my father!

Gardenia (Kyuss)
Life (Hermano)
Thong Song (Kyuss)
Muezli (Slo Burn)
Human Tornado (Unida)
If Only Two (Unida)
Wet Pussycat (Unida)
Black Woman (Unida)
Demon Cleaner (Kyuss)
The Bottle (Hermano)
Freedom Run (Kyuss)
Cowboys Suck (Hermano)
Angry American (Hermano)
Cain (Unida)
Slaylina (Unida)
Whitewater (Kyuss)

didn't include anything from And the Circus Leaves Town... because you already own AND ARE SUPPOSED TO ADORE them shitz.