did anybody have any experience with thy LAW

I've had to deal with a few lawyers, shitty landlords and bosses in the past.
I've had to deal with drunk students where I work, kids who get to learn something very special about campus security where I am.

They are actual cops who can and will arrest you. They even have a small holding pen somewhere.
"Fuck you Pall Blart!"
Great, now you can call mom and dad from prison, telling them you were just suspended from a $12,000 a semester school.

Also used to sell weed a few years ago :O
But I'm very glad I don't anymore, you meet a lot of undesirables.
Not like, dangerous people.. just lots of fags.
I've had to deal with a few lawyers, shitty landlords and bosses in the past.
mom and dad from prison, telling them you were just suspended from a $12,000 a semester school.

at first i looked quick and that's what i saw, i thought u got kicked out of college and went to jail

one time my n my buddy were doing jackass stuff at a closed gas shop just driving are bike in to the bushes filming it

cop rolls up

cop : what r u doing
us : ahh biking
cop : what's that
us : camera
cop : let me see

we should him the bike/bush crashing

cop : i don't think the owner would like that
us : no

cop rolls away
I got done doing 100 mph in a 75 zone in Arizona.

The cop wrote me a ticket to appear in court one month later.

I left the USA a couple of weeks before the court date.



and they haven't contacted you since?! Lol

I was pulled over for an alcohol test, just the next day after getting my license.
Came clean, though.

I've done some stupid shit while driving but so far I've never been ticketed.

and they haven't contacted you since?! Lol

Actually no.

I rang them only a few weeks back to clear it up as my band is playing in Arizona later this year.

Since it's 25mph over it's a criminal offence, I can appeal it saying I was just under 100mph, if I win the fine will be the same but my 'criminal offence' status will be removed.

Criminality won't affect anything I do in the USA so I'll just pay the $284.

Since I'm not a citizen, luckily I don't have to go to court or dreaded driving school.

^only a 284 dollars fine, man that's low compared to some countries where they take away your license on the spot for speeding over 25 or something of that nature.
public drinking fines

Worst part is it was at night, at a beach, during a once-a-year party that eeeveryone knows is happening at that exact place at that exact date.

They were 2 officers just walking around telling people to pour out their overpriced alcoholic beverages. :\
^only a 284 dollars fine, man that's low compared to some countries where they take away your license on the spot for speeding over 25 or something of that nature.

Yep, if I did the same in Sydney I'd be looking at suspension or disqualification for three months and over $1,000 in fines.
