Did Gregadeth actually get that guy with the cool avatar banned..

TD said:
"That's the night the lights went out in GA"
"daddy' please make it stop"

Seriously man there's places any decent person doesn't go, better start back peddling you words NOW TD!!!!!!
Thanx Octane. I try my best seeing as how his mother and I are no longer together.

And as far as your feelings..ask any parent, they would serve time and even die for their child. You've either become a parent yourself or you were raised right. Either way I'd shake your hand if we ever met.
Jesus Christ TD, if I was Greg I'd have done the same thing. We all talk shit to each other and sometimes it goes too far, but that's just a sick thing to imply. Leave the children out of this and stop acting like one.
anytime greg, i'm with you, i've been a full time dad for 8yrs and my daughters mother hasnt even made a phone call since.

and TD your lucky gregs asking you nicely, you would have already been knocked the fuck out by me, whats sad is you wouldn't dare say this to anyone fathers face, only when you can hide behind your screen can you say such awful things.
TD, what part of this don't you understand?? That fuck said some serious shit about Greg's son. He's a kid. He didn't do anything to that guy. That's the lowest you can go saying shit like that about someone's child. Greg, I commend you for sticking up for your child and getting that fuck banned, and TD, I pity you. For you to even make a post complaining about it just shows what a truly messed up person you are. If you seriously think Greg was wrong in doing what he did you have serious issues and YOU are the white trash here. Go crawl back under the rock from which you came.
TD is beyond a total douchebag...now that i got the total jist of the shit that went down greg did the right thing and right now he still is being the bigger man...

Now if anyone and i mean anyone said anything like that about my offspring,,,i'd do something i havent done in a long time...I clock them hard, and chances are i'd beat them senseless in pure unadulteraed rage that's been held back by common sense and decency all my life. I would pour upon that sorry bastard every last ounce of hatred that ran though my veins.

And i know there are other parents here that would agree...we may fuck with each other but leave the kids alone. Thats off limits.
I have been a dad for going on four years now and I know what you mean when you say you would do anything for your kid. My boy has cerebal palsey, his mother has not seen him or called since he was six months old. He is my life and I would never let anyone talk shit about him. Greg, for what its worth, sorry you have to have this shit with TD going on.
With you on this one Greg. No one should go that low. TD - grow the hell up man!
OneManStandsThrax said:
I have been a dad for going on four years now and I know what you mean when you say you would do anything for your kid. My boy has cerebal palsey, his mother has not seen him or called since he was six months old. He is my life and I would never let anyone talk shit about him. Greg, for what its worth, sorry you have to have this shit with TD going on.

I had a cousin w/ cerebal palsey..she was the nicest person I ever knew. For what they may lack in other areas these ppl make up for it with huge hearts and love for their fellow man. I'm sure you know what I mean.
I tip my hat to you and your son for facing the world together. You both have my respect.
TD - whats wrong man? why are you going on with this? Leave it man. Let it be. Its done and was justified.
TD - I can only echo what The Viod has said; I am new here too and already I can see that you come across like an idiot. What are you, 14 years old?! I know you THINK you're being an anti-conformist breaking taboos, etc..but you're not.

I'm sure we've all said things for effect in the past, and I'm sure we've all realised it's stupid and immature. Especially when it's offending someone in the real world...not just online.

You're just a negative little dick.
