Did I blow a tube?


New Metal Member
Sep 9, 2004
I am looking for some advice about my amp. I have a Crate Bluvoodoo and I didn't like the way the Crate sign looked on the front of the amp so I took it apart to remove it. (Yeah, I know, I'm an idiot). Anyway, I put the amp back together, just as it was, and when I cut the power switch on everything was good. I let the tubes warm up for a bit and when I flipped my standby switch i saw blue sparks or something of that nature come out of the bottom of one of the tubes and the amp made a loud pop in my speaker cab. after that it still played, and still sounded the same. all 4 tubes are lit up equally and there is no difference in the sound. can anyone help tell me what may have happened?
You blew a tube? Dude, what you do in your personal life is your business...I just don't think you need to share it with everyone on the board. ;) :grin:

Just kidding. No, seriously, you should take your amplifier in for servicing, immediately. Never attempt to do any type of mods on a tube amplifier other than cosmetic ones to the non-electrical parts of your amp unless you're qualified. If the amp does that kind of thing again, you might end up causing a fire.

If the tubes had gone bad, you'd be dealing with microphonic squeal at medium to high volumes. This sounds like an electrical problem that could only get worse, not only for your amp, but also for your place of residence.