Die Apokalyptischen Reiter - Samurai


OneMetal.com Music Editor
Die Apokalyptischen Reiter - Samurai
Nuclear Blast - 2004
By Philip Whitehouse


East German schizophrenic disco/death metal may not seem like the most enthralling sub-genre ever, but considering that even such an eccentric tag doesn't fully do justice to the sheer disparity of influence guiding this release, it should be noted that originality in music is something quite rare in these cookie-cutter release days. Die Apokalyptischen Reiter have, with Samurai managed to infuse death metal bombast and execution with a sense of uplifting, energetic vibrancy and unashamed positivity of vibe that Finntroll inject into their Nordic black metal. And where Finntroll use polka and folk music to make a unique difference to an established sound, DAR use reggae, electronica, punky passages and pop sensibilities.

Managing to veer between pulverising brutality and low-end growls to frantic, upper-register lead guitar runs and anthemic choruses, whilst throwing in elements of funky electronica ('Northern Lights') and even a reggae track, Samurai is both an invigorating and exhausting album - it's fun-filled atmosphere never compromises the riff-led nature of the death metal rooted heaviosity and so the music has an energising edge, but just trying to figure out where the group are going to go next will almost certainly do your nut in.

Captivating, novel, closer to original than anything I've heard in years... but perhaps it's upbeat tone and wilful refusal to adhere to categorisation may make it somewhat inaccessible for some.


Die Apokalyptischen Reiter official website
Nuclear Blast Records